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Everything posted by LOD01

  1. LOD01

    Car drives through Christmas parade in WI

    CNN & MSNBC are devastated that they have to cover a story involving their people committing a horrendous crime.
  2. LOD01

    Coronavirus - Doomsday

    Well, the good news is that 99% of antifaguys will be dead soon and there will be more active accounts at the geek club.
  3. LOD01

    Tucker Carlson Thread

    The twat saw Kyle crying on the stand, saw her comrades claim it was fake, saw that crying was worth some ratings and tried it herself. What a loser. No one but complete losers would watch this POS.
  4. LOD01

    Anybody following Theranos?

    She's a piece of work. Really deserves at least a decade behind bars. She epitomizes what is wrong with corporate America.
  5. LOD01

    Coronavirus - Doomsday

    Tell that to the psychos over at antifaguys. They are full insane to the point they want mandates. Easily the dumbest group of people I have ever come across.
  6. LOD01

    [** Official President Joe Biden Thread **]

    This idiot is such a disaster that a D rep is switching parties. Looks like he's just a state rep in Texas
  7. LOD01

    [** Official President Joe Biden Thread **]

    'rare'. https://www.habingfamily.com/obituary/michael-mike-granata
  8. LOD01

    [** Official President Joe Biden Thread **]

    Is that with their cheating?
  9. LOD01

    Coronavirus - Doomsday

    The reason cases will rise is because the jab juice is a total failure. 100% garbage and now even you hero is admitting it. He once said 100% safe and effective. But now you need a booster because it didn't work. If it did, you wouldn't need a booster and your symptoms would be less severe like he was pimping months ago. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/11/dr-fauci-admits-vaccines-not-work-advertised-vaccinated-great-danger-today/
  10. LOD01

    creepy joe squinting....

    It's only a matter of time before he blurts out the real n word. Just needs the right set up.
  11. LOD01

    Coronavirus - Doomsday

    Fatties and the unhealthy. Florida did the best job in the nation.
  12. LOD01

    Coronavirus - Doomsday

    They just keep dropping dead. Always 'unexpectedly' or unknown causes. This loser got what was coming to him.
  13. Fortunately it was Rodgers speaking out like this. They can't punish him. He makes them $. If this was a lo level player, Goodell would have told the packets to cut him. Everything he said makes the jab juice pushers look like psychos.
  14. Attacked them with the reak from his filled up diapers, maybe.
  15. LOD01

    But Trump!

    Looks like they took the psycho progressive losers to school up in Minnesota. Hopefully that Omar terd is next.
  16. LOD01

    Coronavirus - Doomsday

    Who the fock is in favor of lockdowns here? I was when covid was 1st announced and the now obviously fake videos were filmed. Once I realized they were fake, I was no longer for them.
  17. So if you travel forward, you can never go back?. There goes my powerball win I had planned.
  18. LOD01

    Coronavirus - Doomsday

    Jab juice failing as expected in Ireland. https://gript.ie/highest-covid-numbers-in-hospital-since-march-despite-91-jabbed/
  19. LOD01

    Coronavirus - Doomsday

    Found this Dr. Good stuff.
  20. LOD01

    Cold-blooded killer goes on trial today

    It will be great when he is found innocent of killing a psychotic lunatic, who deserved it, and you lose your mind.
  21. LOD01

    Say it ain't so....Brandon

    The idiot Biden puppet Masters are too dumb to realize that they should be ending the covid farce.
  22. LOD01

    Kaepernick is back!

    Sean Peyton, give this guy a call, would ya?
  23. LOD01

    Kaepernick is back!

    KraperStink running out of $?
  24. LOD01

    Coronavirus - Doomsday

    Totally minor. Who cares.