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Everything posted by LOD01

  1. LOD01

    Deebo Samuel: Broken Foot

    He will be ready for 2021 just like everyone else.
  2. LOD01

    Players Placed on COVID-19 List, Opt-Outs

  3. LOD01

    Next round of $1200 checks coming soon

    Definitely keep 'em coming. I like free $ and the US currency printing presses could use the exercise.
  4. LOD01

    Marlins game canceled due to COVID

    Yankees - Phillies tonight...cancelled.
  5. Here's the kinda dementia that fbgIdiots members have;: This Leroy Hoard certified retard is arguing with Bryant that even though the vote is 4% pro Trump, the poll has to be wrong. That it's not a liberal anti-Trump cesspool, even through the owner admits that it is. That is some seriously sick retardation.
  6. LOD01

    Marlins game canceled due to COVID

    NFL now thinking 16 game schedule is not gonna happen. I don't see them getting past week 2-3 before it collapses. Unlike baseball that can double header missed games or schedule later, you can't do that in the NFL.
  7. LOD01

    Coronavirus - Doomsday

    Correct. The D's & lamestream media are trying as hard as they can to keep the fear going thru the election.
  8. Hopefully the feds are Trump supporters as well as wherever they are tried so that they get max sentences.
  9. LOD01

    Coronavirus - Doomsday

    Vaccine alliance eyes range of prices for COVID shots, says $40 would be maximum Fock you!!!!. Pay for it??? The price they need to pay me to take the shot is $1,000,000.
  10. LOD01

    Marlins game canceled due to COVID

    For now. It's melting down before their eyes. The real hoax is that they think they really are giving the fans a MLB season.
  11. If they get to me first, I'm asking for a Star Trek style phaser set to 'disappear' and a force field around me. I'll fix this planet in a matter of weeks.
  12. Looking at what a mess we have made of this place, my guess is that the intergalactic highway has this solar system on the map as a toxic waste dump.
  13. Was that a star trek episode. If not, it should have been. Kirk could have saved the universe the way Trump is saving Portland.
  14. That is fockin hilarious. What a complete loser at life.
  15. On top of that, if another species could get here, we are not gonna see the ship they are in. it's gonna be completely invisible. Then they are gonna see some youtube videos of Biden, mad maxine, the creature from chicago and nancy pelosi and turn right around. If we are lucky they won't just wipe us off the planet.
  16. They are gonna present particles of a comet and say that life began here on earth from it and thus it is an 'off world vehicle' Which kinda fits the definition.
  17. LOD01

    Joe Biden said what?

    This being the top Biden thread: There's reportedly a 'contingent' of Democrats lobbying against Kamala Harris as Biden's running mate. She countered with "I'll give blowjobs to all."
  18. LOD01

    Marlins game canceled due to COVID

    Season cancelled. Wait. fake.....not yet cancelled but soon.
  19. LOD01

    Marlins game canceled due to COVID

    Um....no. Well, if 'hope no one gets it' is a plan, they have a plan.
  20. LOD01

    Marlins game canceled due to COVID

    Even in their stupid bubble, one of the NBA tards when to a strip joint.
  21. LOD01

    Marlins game canceled due to COVID

    at these jabronies thinking there is a MLB season. at the tards that think there is gonna be an NBA season. at the morons that think there is gonna be an NFL season.
  22. LOD01

    Once they get their flatscreens and yeezies

    They are too stupid.. They would destroy the merchandise.
  23. LOD01

    Justice for Bernell!!!!

    All that does is add votes to Trump.
  24. Hubble reveals an estimated 100 billion galaxies in the universe or so, but this number is likely to increase to about 200 billion as telescope technology in space improves, Livio told Space.com. Each galaxy with an average of 100 billion stars. We are simply one of millions upon millions of civilizations. To think we are it is pure comedy. I remember the days when people thought the sun was the only star with planets around it.That was comedy back then. I did not. I logically looked at it and said every star likely has planets around it. Now there is a very good chance that we are the most focked up civilization in the universe. We are certainly making a claim to it.
  25. We used to be tough like that and crack the skulls of losers.