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Posts posted by LOD01

  1. 7 hours ago, TimHauck said:

    Lol.  “Yeah, but a ton of people died along the way.”   Minor detail.

    And pretty much every state has been open and free for 6+ months, except for maybe some places requiring masks.  The horror.

    Totally minor. Who cares.

  2. Who cares about those unhealthy fatties. They should have cared more about their own bodies and listened to drs in the know instead of listening to the CDC.

    The bottom line is FL is a tremendous success, open & free. All the anti DeSantis losers have is, ' yeah but...'

  3. The joke called the CDC is now lying saying the jab juice will protect you better than natural immunity. Pathetic that our own country will lie and we have to use data from other countries to get the truth. This is the Biden puppet Masters America. 

  4. 1. Doesn't matter that it's a year old, dickwad, it's still true.

    2. She didn't write the original, dickwad.

    You lose again. You go ahead and believe the lies of your article trying to dispute the obvious. You are too stupid to see what is going on.

  5. 18 minutes ago, Djgb13 said:

    Does Tim Hack have nothing else to do besides lie about covid and argue his wrong points with every single poster in this thread? Jesus Christ the guy is not only clueless but an idiot as well :doh: 

    Exactly what shoshit did. Interesting, huh?

  6. 8 hours ago, TimHauck said:

    Vaccines are effective.

    For a couple months. That is not the definition of a vaccine, hammerhead. This crap is a colonial failure as early treatment would've saved the 100k or so that actually died from it. Your take on this whole debacle has been a complete disaster.
