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Everything posted by rholio

  1. rholio

    **2010 NFL Draft General Discussion- Day One**

    Love it (Lions fan)! Hope to see Devin McCourty in the 2nd.
  2. No surprises at #1, QB Bradford.
  3. rholio

    2010 FF Today NFL Draft Contest

    Now that it's locked, let's see your top 10's. Mine: 1- QB S. Bradford 2- DT N. Suh 3- DT G. McCoy 4- OL T. Williams 5- OL R. Okung 6- S E. Berry 7- DE D. Morgan 8- OL A. Davis 9- OL B. Bulaga 10- LB R. McClain
  4. rholio

    ***NFL Mock Draft***

    Yep, thanks.
  5. rholio

    ***NFL Mock Draft***

    1.28- Mathews is still there, so easy pick RB Shane Mathews
  6. rholio

    Matt & Trey targeted for death

    And the Republicans.
  7. rholio

    anger intervention for swamp dog

    Sadly, it probably would be an improvement.
  8. rholio

    anger intervention for swamp dog

    Oh, it's a problem... those that hated it then probably aren't in that 'dumbass' category. Those that loved it then, and cry about it now, are the ones I laugh at. Like I said, politicians suck... Democrat, Republican, doesn't matter. They don't serve 'the people', they serve their own election / re-election, and their pocketbooks.
  9. rholio

    Toto - Hold The Line

    This one rocks.
  10. rholio

    anger intervention for swamp dog

    The funny.... and, well, sad... part is listening to Republicans whine about the same crap I whined about when they were in charge. Government spending, the deficit, etc. Bush screwed us for eight years, and some of these dumbasses crowed about how great it felt. Now, Obama is doing the same, and they are crying about no lube. Politicians suck... stop electing them. Let's elect some fricking accountants already.
  11. rholio

    deadpool update

    al-Baghdadi? Persian pimp name... Seriously, Al Qaeda losing two leaders is always good news. I'd like to hear that again a few hundred times.
  12. rholio

    2010 NFL Draft Weekend Team Thread: Detroit Lions

    Suh would be a great choice. Frankly, I don't think they can go wrong if they take Suh, Okung, or McCoy.
  13. rholio

    Ryan Torain signs with redskins

    He's likely a camp body... don't see him making the final roster. Still, reuniting with Shanahan isn't bad for him.
  14. rholio

    Matt Millen: GENIUS!

    Matt Millen is a genius... how else do you end up on 'The Winning Edge' on tv after what he did in Detroit? Still waiting for him to get a job in Chicago with the rest of Detroit's past personnel. Parking attendant, maybe?
  15. rholio

    2010 NFL Draft Weekend Team Thread: Detroit Lions

    I think the only thing missing for them this offseason was a 'big name' signing, and a RB. They've filled quite a few holes, and realistically have a long way to go still. It's a nice change, though. Year after year, I yell at the tv as Detroit passes on the top LT in the draft... top 2, at the least. This year, I'm rooting for Suh, and would be happy with Okung.
  16. rholio

    2010 NFL Draft Weekend Team Thread: Detroit Lions

    And I'm saying, that joke was old years ago... Millen was the one drafting WRs year after year. They didn't do it before him, they haven't done it after him.
  17. rholio

    ***NFL Mock Draft***

  18. rholio

    2010 NFL Draft Weekend Team Thread: Detroit Lions

    1.02- N. Suh 2.02- Likely CB or OT... well, if they were smart. There's a decent chance they take RB Best here. 3.02- LB, CB, DE... possibly O-line if they go defense at pick 2.02. 4.02- RB. Expect Dwyer and A. Dixon to be gone, chance Gerhart falls. LaBlount Should be there. Defense if they take Best. Rd 7- O-line prospects, defense, special teams
  19. rholio

    2010 NFL Draft Weekend Team Thread: Detroit Lions

    Millen is gone... I ASSume you knew that. So, you're not joking... okay, sig bet? Say, kilroy69 is as smart as Matt Millen Go ahead and come up with whatever you'd like my sig to say if they draft Dez Bryant at 1.02 Sound like fun? It does to me.
  20. rholio

    ***NFL Mock Draft***

    1.03 DT Gerald McCoy
  21. rholio

    Reminder that Strikeforce is Free

    I was wondering what Dan Henderson was doing there... thought he was still in UFC. Watching, I found out what he was doing... getting his butt kicked. I wouldn't hold the knockdown against Shields... Henderson is one of the heavier hitters in the sport. Frankly, I was impressed that he recovered.
  22. The last two sentences is why these tick me off: Summary: Cameo Patch was a 29-year-old substitute teacher at Tooele High School. She was arrested in January of 2006 after an informant told police that Patch had gone on a date with a 17-year-old student at the high school, and performed oral sex on the boy, though no sexual intercourse had occurred. She was initially charged with felony unlawful sexual conduct with a 16- or 17-year old due to the more than ten-year age difference between Patch and the victim. The charge can carry up to 10 years in prison, however Patch was ultimately sentenced to no jail time, perhaps due to her gender. "If this was a 29-year-old male and a 17-year-old female, I would be inclined to order some incarceration," said judge Mark Kouris during sentencing. Guy = 10yrs in prison Girl = no jail time Those students are lucky... lucky they weren't the teachers.
  23. rholio

    Fresh Meat at teh Geek club

    Jihad coming?
  24. rholio

    Predator 2

    I nominate Double Team, starring Jean Claude Van Damme and Dennis Rodman. Winner of three Raspberry awards.