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The Moz

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Everything posted by The Moz

  1. The Moz

    could you beat up ronda rousey?

    Disagree as yes most of the men in her division would beat her but I doubt it's a sqaush either I am pretty sure she could beat a few of the men though. She fights the top 15 men in her weight she wins 3-5 of the 15.
  2. The Moz

    could you beat up ronda rousey?

    Better question -- how long do you think Rousey would last with Dillashaw or Cruz? If Dana White ever had the balls to do it -- that would be the biggest PPV event maybe ever ... even including boxing -- Man vs. Woman in a fight where the woman actually has a legit shot. Pretty Dana never does it becasue it would be such a double edged sword while some would love it - the feminist would love it as it touts equal rights while many would say how it would increase domestic violence etc. If Rousey demolishes Meisha in 30 seconds I hope Dana at least thinks about it - I can't see it not being one of if not the biggest PPV event ever.
  3. The Moz

    could you beat up ronda rousey?

    Maybe someone like mmmmm beer or Megla but even then likely not. Aside from the "fighting" she is one of the best Judo practitioners in the world and can throw anyone rather easily. Hell she could most likely beat at least 25% of the UFC Bantamweight Men if not a higher %. Not saying she could beat TJ Dillashaw , Baroa or Dominick Cruz btu the lesser guys.........
  4. This entire thing is about Goodell trying to cater to the masses. Goodell should of given Brady 1 game and called it a night and the whole thing would of been over with. Instead he throws down a massive penalty without a shred of proof. Had Goodell been reasonable in his punishment this never becomes this big of a story he decided to be a and IMO sooner than later this entire thing turns from Brady to a all out witch hunt on Goodell. All the text involving the people in question have been seen not from Bradys phone but from the others involved and not one damnign thing has surfaced , nothing in emails either. The only thing that might let the suspension hold up is the CBA agreement that basically gives Goodell full power to do what he wants. I just wish Brady and Goodell would talk back channel meet in the middle with 2 games - let Brady say "he is only doing it to move on ........" and Let Goodell save what little face he has left -- end this dumbass and get back to football
  5. Most would say communism in it;s truest state is the perfect system for a utopian society. We all know communism will never work due to the human nature element and politically communism is a mechanism for control which as human nature dictates it will and has been (USSR) been/be abused. That doesn't make the idea bad as the word communism has been vilified. Pretty sure commusitic is it;'s truest sense would be the most Christian way to live - everyone equal / everyone shares yet the "christian" right hate it most of all ......................
  6. Always thought he would of been a great movie movie star - shocked McShane failed so badly in movies - either no clue how to choose them or isn't as good as he was on Deadwood.
  7. The Moz

    True Detective...

    Listen to the TV snobs if you want. Its solid TV - IMO the best show on Sunday night STILL. Is it the MM - Woddy caliber - NO of course not but it doesn't suck nearly as bad as some would have you belive
  8. The Moz

    True Detective...

    The show is actually decent. NOT great but pretty good. Vince has been pretty good actually as have all the actors for the most part. Issue is when you go against 2 actors like MM and Woody it better be the best script ever. MM hit a grand slam in TD 1 st season - maybe the best acting job I ever saw for a series EVER. Unless TD recruits Leo and Denzel for TD 3 it's tough to duplicate. TD is still the best thing on Sundays but some dumbasses can't let themselves enjoy it cause they keep comparing to the Woody MM season 1.
  9. The Moz

    Donny Trump

    No getting involved this time in politics. But damn seems like the GOP's really REALLY want to lose so they can and moan more. With the GOP basically lettign Trump kill any chance they had I stand convinced the GOP is more concerned with having a reason to than anything else. The GOP has a reall good canidate in Rand Paul and he is what like 5th in the pecking order? When Trump is your #1 guy DAMN -- I mean this year even Bush or Walker would have a decetn shot at a wounded Hillary and it's Trump. Come on Trump is no Perot - Perot was a good business man - terrible politician but good for business. Trump only knows how to manipulate the bankruptcy laws in his favor. I am ALL FOR a canidate speaking his mind ... Rand Paul says hello!!! I don't even want Hillary - hell I am from Park Ridge IL where Hillary is from - even the hard core DEms can't stand her - IN HER HOME TOWN!!!! but the GOP seems determined to not only let her win to gift wrap it.
  10. The Moz


    BetOnline is the best for winning micro stakes like .25/.50 they have more players than anyone and hardley anyone knows how to play until you get to the 1-2 level or higher. But Bet Online by far has the most traffic and is the easiest to find a game and the easiest game to win. Also Bet Online is easy to deposit and withdrawl.
  11. The Moz

    Wayward Pines

    Has kind of a LOst / Twin Peaks feel to it. After the first episode I can say I am looking forward to the next. Good actors and a really good premise see how it turns out. Looks like the kind of show folks on here seem to like
  12. The Moz

    UFC 189

    I like Frankie Edgar ... it would be a fun stand up fight to watch but I doubt it would last more than 2 rounds before Connor KO's him - too much of a reach and power advantage not to mention his kicks. McGreggor talks more trash than anyone I have seen but the man backs it up - I can't see anyone beating him in a stand up fight even Aldo. McGreggor did show a weakness in not being that good at take down defense but Connor also showed he has a hell of a chin.
  13. The Moz

    UFC 189

    Easily the single best MMA PPV card I have ever seen ... WOW every fight was awesome. Half the fockign octagon was covered in red from blood. I haven't seen every UFC event ever but I can't imagine anything ever beating UFC 189. Every fight was a KO with plenty of blood and damage.
  14. This I agree with the most. we likely pay around 60% of what we earn on taxes maybe more when it's said n done.
  15. 4-1 in the first half of a WC final is like 56 - 10 in a superbowl at halftime right?
  16. The Moz

    ***Official*** NBA Draft Thread 2015

    GS has a great team but Cleveland w/ either Love or Irving wins
  17. The Moz

    America-Fawk Yeah

    I agree with this
  18. The Moz

    Big Brother Season Whatever

    They get rid of the one person that looked like he would be good tv in week 1 ..... the country China man seems like a doosh ..... only person so far in think seems cool is the wwe guy.
  19. The Moz

    ***Official*** NBA Draft Thread 2015

    Russell was the best pick they could have made and u know it..... ur just piseed u got stuck with Oakafor
  20. Would be a doosh move but it's be great if tiger hit one close on the first holetter and starter "dufnering" as he walked up to the green.
  21. The Moz

    Rank the 4 National Lampoon's Vacations

    The original had Christie Brinkley at her peak ... my ultimate ore teen celeb crush
  22. He's no Kim Jong ..... the supreme leader is the greatest golfer in history.
  23. The Moz

    Rank the 4 National Lampoon's Vacations

    Christmas Vacation the rest were awful
  25. no need Hopes Meat curtains are scoreupon-able oh and GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLLLLL