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The Moz

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Posts posted by The Moz

  1. Mike, the moz still owes me a hat, btw. Focker has collected about 15 over the past couple tourneys but his hillbilly ass hasn't sent out the ONE he owes.



    As much as I think your a piece of I still hate GF 10X more because of how he kills threads here .. maybe if you read at all you would of realized I was talking about GF not you ..... as for the hat you really want to re hash that or were you not made to look dumb enough the last time?

  2. I think they had zero shot at Obama. The left was too energized and tabbing Palin sunk McCain.


    I think a middle of the road guy can win against Hillary or Bernie.

    Sadly I think Trump could beat Bernie but would anyone win we would either get a nutcase or a socialist. Actually the more I think about it I think a Jeb / (Walker/Rubio/Kasich) ticket would beat Hillary and more than likely Biden and whoever. Hillary just has zero likability - Hillary should have ROLLED the 2008 primary as OBama had only 4 years in the Senate and other than a really good convention speech in 04 really did nothing of note. Hillary got killed. I just can't see her winning a campaign.

  3. for it. that would be the most watched show on TV and id love every second. Not because of illegals, I dont mind them at all, there are legal races in this country that ruin it more than the illegal ones. I just love watching mayhem.

    Everyone cheering their states Tribute ...... man it would be cool to do this! sort of evil and sadistic but focking cool!

  4. HW and WJC were both great their family members just really suck. Why must we go from bad options in Hillary and Jeb. To worse or actually insane alternatives like Trump and Bernie. Been in Europe alot latley yes they are laughing and loudly.

  5. I like Kasich because he is neither GOP nor DEm (granted he runs as a GOPer) he is right in the center and will do the right thing not the party thing. Wouldn't it be great if the POTUS was not allowed to be either GOP or Dem and had to be centrist ....... pipe dream i know :(

  6. Watched hoping we might get insight on how , why m what it is .............. alas I think they don't end up giving nothing. :(


    decent show though if you like TWD

  7. What I fault Obama for is the massive spending and non stop run of the presses to keep the economy afloat when IMO we would of been a lot better off taking our medicine then as I fear it will be 2 to 3 times worse that it would of been then -- soon. Granted Bush signed the first bail out in 08 so he is plenty at fault as well if not and likely more so. After Clinton (who was whether GOP or Dem have to admit or at least somewhat conceed was a GREAT economic president) we have had people running the country that either don't care or actually hate the country and want it to fail. To combat this the great country of America has on one side Hillary Clinton - ummm it wasn't untill after the 94 mid terms when Bill told baby to STFU and stand in the corner when Bill's Presidency really took off , Berni - a known and even admitted socialist , and Donald FOCKING Trump one of the biggest blowhard idiots anywhere as our front runners for the next 4-8 years. While people that would be a great president like Centrist Kasich are mrely a footnote. America wants to fail thus we keep voting in people that will make it a reality. <end rant>


    I'm the voice of reason here. Why? Because I am rooting for him AND because I like making fun of him.


    Here is my counter to your point. That "fock up" wasn't the result of a swing flaw or bad break. That was a 79 time winner shiitting his pants because he was in contention and couldn't handle it. It got to him. A shank and a chunk is a flat out gag. And hey, Rory gagged when he hit that house as well. But he was also a 21 year old trying to win his first major. He had an excuse......What is Tiger's excuse for an all out gag?


    You say he recovered by birdying 4 of his last 6 holes. I say that's confirmation that it was nerves getting to him because he couldn't handle the pressure. And once he had gagged and that pressure was gone, he played free and easy and started playing well.


    That being said, I still think he will win tournaments again, and I don't even consider him dead in terms of catching Jack. But he has to get past the gag factor even moreso than the swing now.

    damn I actually totally agree with this

  9. father time? Tiger is what 39 or 40? golfer are in their PRIME until about 46/47 Tiger is in maybe the best physical shape of any golfer I have ever seen. His issue is NOTHNG physical and 100% mental after the divorce blow up. Actually players play their best typically at their early 40s. If Tiger can really get momentum and play right with Jrdan Rory and Day then man Golf goes to another level

  10. If Tiger could indeed get his "mojo" back iot would make for a GREAT big 4 in Golf - Tiger, Jordan, Rory, Day ......... 5 if you count DJ being the fact he is always in contention but always chokes :( :dunno: Golf is already better than it has been in a long time even with Tiger struggling becasue or Jordan / Rory / Day but add in a 100% Tiger and IMO it is as good as the "big 3" era -- PLayer, Arnie, and Jack.

  11. This last episode was straight outta fight club ... best one yet. The show seemed to be fading fast then all a sudden it went from me to one of the best shows on tv the last 2 weeks
