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Everything posted by Manboy

  1. I am 5 and things that I enjoy are dungeons and dragons, playing field hockey, superhero movies and wondering where my dad lives now. Maybe take your new friend to see Green Lantern and buy him a waffle cone afterward.
  2. Manboy

    R.I.P. Recliner Pilot

    Uncle Charlie says it's not nice to call names or tell secrets.
  3. i dont support doing drugs because drugs are bad the officer who came to my school and gave a presentation on drugs said so. also one time after school we all skateboarded over to my friend joshes house and there was a beer in the fridge and we opened it up and all took a sip and josh was like "whoa guys i am so tanked im seeing pink elephants!" and if we didnt stop him he was going to run out of the house and into the streeet and maybe get run down by a car. what's prostitution?
  4. all my other firends say they got it and i was in the locker room today and tried not to look like i was looking but peeked over and there was even jeremy roberts who is half retarded getting changed and even he has hair "down there". i think is see one of my own coming in but it might just be peach fuzz. should i tell mom?
  5. Manboy

    uncle charlie again

    Mom went out on a date last night to the red lobster to find me a new dad and so she left me with uncle Charlie again who is living in the apartment above our garage because he lost his job and is my mom says a loser who can’t take responsibility so we had nothing to do and uncle Charlie said “put down the Nintendo ds and come watch some football with me” and we watched the game cause it was his favorite team the dallas cowboys. We were watching the game and everything was good and then uncle Charlie asked if I wanted a beer and I said that’d be really fine first a couple of sips of his Budweiser and then he said “aw what the heck when I was your age I used to pound beers go ahead and get your own” so I did and it was good. But later after a few beeers I felt kind of sick and told uncle Charlie I wasn’t feeling good and he said that it was time to go to bed but not before taking some Nyquil. Did you know that you need six full cups of Nyquil for it to work? I didn’t know that either. I went to my room and got down to my underpants and uncle Charlie felt my head and said “boy you are really burning up! Just lay down on your stomach and I’ll get my thermometer out and check your temperature” the room was spinning and that’s the last thing I remember but you know what? that wasn’t a thermometer. that wasn’t a thermometer at all. should I tell mom?
  6. Manboy

    Is LT going to hurt Shonn Greene's fantasy value?

    By the end of the year, Greene may have slightly more carries but LT will be used much more in the passing game. Neither of them are all that good. Owners who drafted Greene in the 2nd are going to be very disappointed with a 5th round talent. He's brittle, fumble-prone and not very talented. Sorry.
  7. Manboy

    Is LT going to hurt Shonn Greene's fantasy value?

    Neither of them will carry the load. It will be a 50/50 split all year.
  8. Manboy

    Is LT going to hurt Shonn Greene's fantasy value?

    Greene has multiple injuries and 5 fumbles in less than 120 career regular season carries.
  9. Manboy

    wrassling with my uncle

    hello. my parents went out last nite to a rated r movie so they left me behind with uncle charlie who is living in the apartment above our garage because mom says he is a loser. so were all bored and uncle charlie is like "hey manboy how about we wrassle just like the guys on monday night raw?" and i'm like "YEAH!" so we're wrassling and having a good time and uncle charlie pinned me down and i felt something long and hard in his pocket like a roll of quarters but i don't think it really was a roll of quarters, i think it was his thingie. should i tell mom?
  10. this is my first year playing fantasy fotoball and i think my team The Fighting Amish are going do to really well. we are playing my kid brother The Cleveland Steamers in week 1 and i can't wait to kick butt! here is my squad: qb - brees rb - rice, taylor wr - moss, maclin te - gates k- gostokowski d - vikings what do you think?
  11. i can't either, i just got my new backpack and school supplies.
  12. since i am new here i would like very much to know some things that you enjoy doing when your'e not posting at fantasy football today forums of course! when i am not here i like to play video games on my x-box, assemble and then paint model airplanes and collect rare coins. i also enjoy learning about history especially world war II and i am taking karate lessons and gettign pretty good too! hiya! so how about you geeks what do you like to do when you are not posting here?
  13. what is so funny? you would not be laughing if you were there in person when i'm karate chopping boards.
  14. ha ha! you guys are such jokesters! i knew i would like it here becuase there are such funny people.
  15. Manboy

    hi, i'm new here

    what is a geek club?
  16. Manboy

    hi, i'm new here

    that soudns nice. i think im going to like it here. i hope that i fit in.
  17. i did not know that. the karate kid is one of my favorite movies. i like ralph macho.
  18. Manboy

    hi, i'm new here

    have you played fatnasty football? is it fun? what is a geek bored?
  19. Manboy

    hi, i'm new here

    sounds like one a them queers from jersey shore.
  20. Manboy

    hi, i'm new here

    i dont knwo what is nambla all about?
  21. Manboy

    hi, i'm new here

    its my name doofus. ray manboy.
  22. Manboy

    Name my Alias'
