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About eddude119

  • Rank
    FF Rookie
  1. eddude119

    Winslow dropped, him or Pettigrew?

    i would hold on to Pettigrew hes slightly out performing KWJ and thats without Stafford...i dont see either being elite but if i had to chose pettigrew esp ppr
  2. eddude119

    Does Britt surpass Andre Johnson this year?

    ok u right i was a bit harsh on that rant. As a jersey guy i know that britt is as talented as any wr in the nfl. the guy was taken out of rutgers first round before he was even of age to drink at a bar. i know he catch passes from whomever throws him the ball but lets be real andre johnson has proven himself to be the best wr in the league. Im not doubting that Britt can outproduce him but from a fantasy standpoint andre plays for a team that can throw the ball, he was the leading wr last year with over 1500 and britt was the titans leading wr with slightly over 700 yards. if you can pull the wool over this guys eyes go for it but as a long time ff player i would never give up an elite wr like marshall and thomas jones for kenny britt
  3. eddude119

    Miles Austin

    i think everyone is underestimating kitna. every year as a starter besides 1 hes thrown for over 3000 yards and double digit TDs. His last 2 years as a starter her thrown for over 4000 yards and that was for the lions, thowing to a converted saftey and shawn mcdonald. Dallas has nowhere to go but up so to think that they will do nuthing but run the ball is retarted. They are going to try to win every game and with 3 good recievers i would expect kitna to put up legitimate top 10 to 15 nummbers
  4. eddude119

    Does Britt surpass Andre Johnson this year?

    to answer your question, if i were the guy offering Thomas Jones and Marshall and you came back at me with Britt i would laugh in ur face and probably not negotiate a trade offer with you again. regardless of this years numbers Johnson has proven himself to be an elite wr...whereas Britt hasnt proven anything. the only thing he has shown is that he can catch td passes from kerry collins the backup qb. cj2k will return to from and vy will be starting and britt will fade from fantasy relevance. to even think that britts name can be mentioned in the same breath as andre johnsons rite now is ridiculous
  5. eddude119

    Does Britt surpass Andre Johnson this year?

    that trade is most certainly not unfair by any means. in most 2 rb flex leagues thomas jones is at best a flex play or bye week sub and johnson is the slightly better wr of the two. the trade is without a doubt even and to say veto is absurd
  6. eddude119

    Off-setting other players..

    x2 good post
  7. eddude119

    Colts WR Situation

    listen to injury reports and check depth charts to see who gets the go at wr#3...then drop them when collie returns, as someone already said they will be irrelevant
  8. eddude119

    Through the Wire

    1. ive read conflicting arguments on both guys and personally i dont think it matters who is "better" its going to be who gets the opportunity. Collie was supposed to play second fiddle to gonzalez until he got hurt and look what he does. i think in indy it doesnt matter so much whos better but who gets the chance to play 2. Blount...honestly who cares, yea he mite be a bit above the bottom of the barrel but hes still part of a rbbc on a team that hasnt had a 1000 yrd rusher since like 2006 3. Tavaris Jackson just outright sucks. hell throw more picks than tds even with 3 great wrs and elite rb and a good ol...Favre will play question irrelevant
  9. eddude119

    Survivor Pool: Week 8

    i like st louis, pitt, washington in that order
  10. eddude119

    Where have all the "studs" gone?

    while i understand ur point i have to disagree...ur saying by your standards peyton hillis is elite and cj is not and you are glad you dont own cj2k this year. i would gladly trade you my hillis straight up for your johnson and laugh my way to the championship
  11. eddude119

    ok, you have Forte, ....what can you get for him?

    i hope you mean robbery for the other guy...forte is outperforming rice thus far, not to mention you gave up a wr on the verge of being elite and a slow starting elite te for rice and a lb