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Everything posted by 5-Points

  1. 5-Points

    "Unarmed" White Guy FAFO

  2. 5-Points

    "Unarmed" White Guy FAFO

  3. 5-Points

    "Unarmed" White Guy FAFO

    I think your sarcasm meter is broken.
  4. 5-Points

    "Unarmed" White Guy FAFO

    Because I own and have used hammers. They all pretty much have a 10" - 12" handle. Even my little ball peen hammer has a 10" handle. I didn't see any handle. Did you? So, at best, he had the head of a hammer in one hand or the other. Which can absolutely be deadly if you get repeatedly punched in the head with it. But not nearly as deadly as if it still had the handle attached, which it didn't. The cop could've just shot him in the leg. He didn't have to kill the guy for holding a hammer head.
  5. 5-Points

    "Unarmed" White Guy FAFO

    I put Unarmed in quotes for a reason. Therefore the thread title is not incorrect. Dude clearly had something in his hands. It wasn't a gun, it wasn't a hammer, but he was absolutely holding something. If dude was black, do you think whatever he was holding would be described as a "weapon?" Or would it be explained away as some innocuous, edc item like a phone and/or car keys? Look, IDGAF that this guy got ended. He Focked Around and he Found Out. It should happen to more idiots. But I saw the video. I didn't see a "weapon" in either hand. Regardless what the "news reports" claim. ETA: He could have a hammer head in his hand. Mebbe he broke the handle off in a prior altercation. But a hammer without a handle isnt a hammer.
  6. 5-Points

    "Unarmed" White Guy FAFO

    You'll believe what you're told. Like always.
  7. 5-Points

    "Unarmed" White Guy FAFO

    At one point, he had a hammer. He wasn't holding one during the altercation with the cop.
  8. 5-Points

    "Unarmed" White Guy FAFO

    It's ok to see what you see. Hammers have handles. Did you see a handle sticking out from the bottom if either hand? I didn’t. I saw something shiny in his right hand. I thought it was a knife at first but there's no mention of a knife.
  9. 5-Points

    "Unarmed" White Guy FAFO

    A rock hammer. And he wasn't stoopid enough to attack the warden with it.
  10. 5-Points

    "Unarmed" White Guy FAFO

    Did you see a hammer in his hand?
  11. 5-Points

    What Does Everybody Want ?

    I don't need my name in the marquee lights
  12. 5-Points

    What Does Everybody Want ?

    To rule the world
  13. 5-Points

    "Unarmed" White Guy FAFO

    Again, what weapon did he have? It's unclear from the video but it wasn't a hammer.
  14. 5-Points

    "Unarmed" White Guy FAFO

    I also poasted a video. Dude wasn't holding a hammer. Either way, who gives a sh!t? I'm glad he can no longer reproduce. We are all better off for his timely demise.
  15. 5-Points

    "Unarmed" White Guy FAFO

    I didn't see a hammer. I think he had a phone in his left hand. He had something in his right hand but it didn't look like a hammer.
  16. 5-Points

    "Unarmed" White Guy FAFO

    What weapon did he have?
  17. 5-Points

    "Unarmed" White Guy FAFO

  18. Beat him to the punch on Monday. As soon as you walk in just start blabbering "Looks like it's going to be a beautiful day today. I think I'll have lunch in the park this afternoon. Want to join me? We could feed the ducks or rent a paddle boat."
  19. 5-Points

    Wordle scores

    That sucks! Wordle 1,064 5/6* 🟩 🟩🟨 🟩🟩🟩🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 Framed #799 🟥 🟥 🟥 🟥 🟥 🟥 https://framed.wtf
  20. 5-Points

    "Unarmed" White Guy FAFO

    The world is now a better place.
  21. 5-Points

    US Representatives Engage in Cat Fight

    Meh. Our representatives don't care enough to throw down like they do in other countries. It's all for show.
  22. The Democrat party absolutely wants illegals to vote. It's indisputable. They need it to retain power. Individual democrat voters will deny it till the cows come home because they have to in order to save face. We all know the truth, however.
  23. 5-Points

    Wordle scores

  24. 5-Points

    Wordle scores

    Wordle 1,063 3/6* 🟨 🟩🟨🟨🟨🟨 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 Helluva second guess. I was trying to place that yellow tile from my first guess in the right spot. So I put one on each end of the word and added some different vowels. Framed #798 🟥 🟥 🟥 🟥 🟥 🟥 https://framed.wtf