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5-Points last won the day on June 16

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About 5-Points

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    FF Geek
  • Birthday 12/13/1970

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  1. 5-Points

    kamala fully supported the 2020 riots.

    For obvious reasons. Are you ready to donate that $400 to charity yet?
  2. 5-Points

    kamala fully supported the 2020 riots.

    That buIIshit was passed after she was gone iirc. However, she did incarcerate thousands of black men for Marijuana possession and kept them locked up beyond their release dates to keep them working for the state as slave labor. As a prosecutor, she also withheld exculpatory evidence that would've exonerated innocent defendants. She's a first rate, race baiting, fake as fock, piece of sh!t and a focking dolt. Anybody who thinks she's worthy of being POTUS is a focking moron.
  3. 5-Points

    kamala fully supported the 2020 riots.

    If you weren't looking in the mirror when you typed this, you should've been. It's uncanny how you just described yourself.
  4. 5-Points

    kamala fully supported the 2020 riots.

    I'm rarely wrong around here but I stand corrected today. Tim's capacity for denialism is not unrivaled in human history. You're right up there with him.
  5. 5-Points

    kamala fully supported the 2020 riots.

    Holy sh!t. People don't get arrested for peacefully protesting. The violent dooshbags that got arrested the other day at the pro hamas rally at the Capitol, who defaced monuments and violently attacked Capitol police were arrested and released without bail. The shitstains Kamala supported and lobbied for bail money on their behalf did far worse than that. They weren't released, they needed to be bailed out. Do the math.
  6. 5-Points

    kamala fully supported the 2020 riots.

    She encouraged people to donate to the MFF. That fund was used to bail out people who were arrested for breaking the law. At least one of which was bailed out through the fund and was subsequently charged with murder. You can disagree all you want but it's clear that I do know better.
  7. 5-Points

    kamala fully supported the 2020 riots.

    Denialism seems to be a thing with you people. You can lie to yourself all you want. I know better.
  8. 5-Points

    kamala fully supported the 2020 riots.

    This is obvious to anyone who actually paid attention. Although, while she enthusiastically encouraged others to donate their hard earned money to bail the criminals out, I doubt very seriously that she contributed a dime. She doesn't have the courage of her convictions.
  9. 5-Points

    kamala fully supported the 2020 riots.

    Of course it was. Your capacity for denialism is unrivaled in human history.
  10. 5-Points

    kamala fully supported the 2020 riots.

    Yes, she did. She encouraged people to donate to a fund to bail out rioters who'd been arrested for breaking the law. If that isn't support, what do you call it?
  11. 5-Points

    Netanyahu's address to the Joint Session

    Exactly The onus to cease fire is not on Isreal.
  12. 5-Points

    Netanyahu's address to the Joint Session

    They absolutely CAN win, if they didn't care what the rest of the world thought. You said "The reason that Israel needs to stand down is that they’re less safe if they don’t." They were stood down when they got attacked. How did that make them more safe? They are at war with an enemy whose sole purpose is to wipe them off the face of the earth and will not stop until they accomplish that goal. Standing down will not make hamas go away and it will not make Isreal more safe.
  13. 5-Points

    Wordle scores

    Wordle 1,133 4/6* 🟩 🟨🟨🟩 🟩🟩🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 Framed #868 🟥 🟥 🟩 https://framed.wtf
  14. 5-Points

    Netanyahu's address to the Joint Session

    I disagree with both of them.