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Everything posted by McBain

  1. McBain

    Sell High on Colston?

    Another thing about Colston's foot injury that is overblown is he's never been a burner. He doesn't beat guys with speed one on one like Mike Wallace or Desean Jackson. Colston's greatest skills are he finds holes in zone coverage and he uses his size to get good position to make catches. I doubt he finishes top 5, but he consistently finishes in the low WR1/high WR2 range.
  2. McBain

    Anyone else tired of waiting for Jizz Rodgers

    I dropped him for Kendall Hunter. As backup numbers go, Hunter's is up there. He could be a monster if Gore goes down. And Gore usually goes down. Jizz's numbers are not so good in terms of rushing yards. So if Turner goes down, it doesn't look like he would set the world on fire. And in terms of PPR, he ain't no Sproles either. 4th or 5th option in the passing game.
  3. McBain

    Sell High on Colston?

    And Wallace isn't frustrating to own? In PPR, Colston > Wallace
  4. It's obvious Tebow is not a full time QB, but his presence on the field requires the attention of the defense. He could be so useful as some form of hybrid H-back where he would sometimes line up as a running back or fullback, sometimes tight-end or wide receiver, and sometimes at QB. The idea is to have him on the field all times so defense are always kept on their heels. Let him throw a few passes on trick plays. Just give him opportunities to make plays outside the normal QB role. So what is stopping this from happening? Does Tebow actively refuse to be anything but a QB or Wildcat specialist? Has anyone ever asked Josh McDaniels what his his true intentions were when he drafted him? I could see Belichick/McDaniels signing Tebow once he's on the free agent market.
  5. McBain

    Turner is the worst coach ever.

    It's all part of a masterplan to make San Diegans refuse to go to games, so ownership have a legitimate reason to move the Chargers to LA.
  6. McBain

    1-4 Teams come on in!

    Should be 2-4 but I lost week 1 by one point. In week 4 I made a huge trade where I traded Aaron Rodgers and Fred Jackson for Ben Rothlesberger, Steve Smith, Brandon Lloyd, and CJ2useless. Colston has started to come alive and I need all running backs not name Stevan Ridley on the Patriots to die. If Mikel Leshoure becomes a top 15 back I might have a chance to make a comeback. My goal is two folds 1. Finish in top sixth in 12 team league to make playoffs (have never missed playoffs in any league before) 2. Not to finish last place and incur last place penalty fee.
  7. McBain

    So, Reggie Wayne's on pace for 144/2000/8

    And what is going unnoticed is Reggie had the opportunity to sign with anyone last offseason, but he chose to stick around with a rebuilding team with a rookie quarterback. It wasn't like the Colts threw a ton of money at him either. I believe he lives in Miami during the offseason, so I was surprised he didn't sign with the Dolphins. If you're a Colts fan, you have to love a guy like Reggie. Plus you know you hired a good coach when your team played their hearts out for him.
  8. McBain

    Amendola out 6-7 weeks

    His only use is for fantasy playoffs now.
  9. McBain

    Leshoure vs SJax ROS

    SJax plays all downs, but LeShoure is losing passing downs to Jock Bell. Really hard to say at this point since there's not much data with LeShoure.
  10. McBain

    Did Shonn Greene get demoted

    Greene is still the starter in NY, but Powell got more snaps because he's the passing down back and the Jets were way behind. Just need one break out game from Powell and sayanora Greene. In Arizona, Will Powell got two more snaps than Ryan Willams (36 vs 33) but got only two carries. Basically Arizona's run game is a mess right now.
  11. So weird considering Battle averaged 2.6 yards against the Chiefs while Mathews averaged 4.4 on one less carry. Turner is just working extra hard to get fired this season. SMH
  12. McBain

    Jaquizz Rodgers or Jackie Battle

    This is true of so many other backup RBs like Robert Turbin, Kendall Hunter, Ben Tate, Brandon Bolden, etc. The question is which one do you stash?
  13. McBain

    Stevan Ridley

    I missed out on Bolden in the league I have Ridley. Another team spent 30% of their FAAB on Bolden. So I'm hoping that Bolden is a one week wonder and Ridley will be a stud the rest of the way.
  14. McBain

    Javon Ringer

    I picked him up last week with the same insight, but turns out they handed the rock to CJ over and over. Obviously he was doing well so they kept rolling with him. 52 snaps to Ringer's 10. Ringer also only had two carries. I dropped him to make room for new players in a big trade. Against the Vikings this week, maybe CJ will struggle and we'll see more Ringer, or just maybe, CJ has finally figured it out.
  15. McBain

    Greg 'the leg' Zuerlein

    As a Rams homer, I hope Legatron catches on
  16. McBain

    Chris Johnson value?

    What to do with him now? Hold on or trade for scraps?
  17. McBain


    I don't get the great concern over Peyton's arm strength. If there's one QB who I trust to adapt, that would be Peyton. I tried to trade for him in my league because he's a QB friendly schedule the rest of the way.
  18. McBain

    Roddy White

    It's looking like Roddy will have a Larry Fitzgerald 2008 type of season and Julio will finish with Anquin Boldin type of numbers. At least that's what us Julio owners hope.
  19. McBain

    Traded Colston for...

    At least wait until he goes off to get something better. As someone said, it's not hard to find Crabtree level production on wire.
  20. McBain

    Big Ben sleeper qb of the year?

    I sure hope so. I traded Arod for him, Steve Smith, Brandon Lloyd and CJ2K. Hoping Todd Haley turns him into Kurt Warner circa 2008.
  21. McBain

    RB Free Agent Stash

    I might take a flier on Javon Ringer. He's back to practicing and CJ2K has looked miserable.
  22. Behind Leshoure, I think it's a mess. Bell got to spell in week 3, but it wouldn't surprise me if KJ got more involved in week 4. It's wait and see for now.
  23. McBain

    Stevan Ridley

    THe Lawfirm BJGE is the best clue as to how Ridley will be used. I feel best starting Ridley in games where Patriots will have leads for most of the game.
  24. McBain

    Pick up Ryan Willams (if you havent already)

    1. I'm filling the rest of my bench with backup RBs. 2. Always will handcuff my early round RBs from now on.
  25. McBain

    Marques Colson and rest of Saints receivers

    We'll definitely know his status this week against the Packers. It's going to be a shoot out and he needs to make plays. I'm just curious as to why he only took half the amount of snaps Lance and Devery got.