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Alias Detective

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Everything posted by Alias Detective

  1. Alias Detective

    What does it mean when my heart

    I’m going with analphylaxis.
  2. Alias Detective

    What does it mean when my heart

    Hardly. He’s only 5’7”.
  3. Alias Detective

    What does it mean when my heart

    Please eat more. is good too!
  4. Alias Detective

    You know what grinds my gears?

    I could name other examples of this. college, health care, food And housing
  5. Alias Detective


    What is your purpose?
  6. Alias Detective

    Kentucky Derby 2019 - Omaha Beach Scratched!

    Instant replay is fine. It should only be seen at “real time” though. Especially with football.
  7. Alias Detective

    Politeness —> Political Corectness

    the theme is spot on to me...
  8. Alias Detective

    Politeness —> Political Corectness

  9. Alias Detective

    Kentucky Derby 2019 - Omaha Beach Scratched!

    What does political correctness have to do with the race results?
  10. Alias Detective

    Kentucky Derby 2019 - Omaha Beach Scratched!

    Yes, dumb.
  11. Alias Detective

    Kentucky Derby 2019 - Omaha Beach Scratched!

  12. Alias Detective

    Kentucky Derby 2019 - Omaha Beach Scratched!

    Wayne Gretzky missed 100% of the shots he didn’t take. He had a shot, just got pinched.
  13. Alias Detective

    Kentucky Derby 2019 - Omaha Beach Scratched!

    I’d split it across the bored.
  14. Alias Detective

    Kentucky Derby 2019 - Omaha Beach Scratched!

    You are just a naaayyyyy sayer.
  15. Alias Detective

    Raider Hater = Peenie?

    Another Peenie?
  16. Alias Detective

    Raider Hater = Peenie?

    I can appreciate that.
  17. Alias Detective

    Raider Hater = Peenie?

    I made a list.
  18. Alias Detective

    Raider Hater = Peenie?

    This is where I am. I just want to know what happened. I tried to find it using both threads the guy starts and they are gone so I asked to confirm they were both Peenied.
  19. Alias Detective

    Raider Hater = Peenie?

    Yawn, I assume he deleted it for reasons other than ME seeing it. Retard.
  20. Alias Detective

    Raider Hater = Peenie?

    Shhh. Men at work.
  21. Alias Detective

    Raider Hater = Peenie?

    I participated at the beginning. Then I was busy I th other things. Then you got diarrhea mouth I assume and had to delete. I don’t know why, I just know I couldn’t find either thread you started. and I still know nothing other than you offering to send pictures of your eye. I have no idea why tho.
  22. Alias Detective

    Raider Hater = Peenie?

    Again, I’ll happily win second in the tallest midget contest. Remember reading that too?
  23. Alias Detective

    Raider Hater = Peenie?

    I read it too. Remember when he said humor helps. I tried to bring some humor as requested. I didn’t read what took place befor the thread was deleted. Then the same guy started a second thread and I began to chomp at the bit to finally find out what the heck was worth the original Peenie only to be left with clickbait again. I asked if the thread AGAIN, was Peenied. Here we are now.
  24. Alias Detective

    Raider Hater = Peenie?

    Easy dwarf.
  25. Alias Detective

    Raider Hater = Peenie?

    I wouldn’t put it on the internet’s. Duh.