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Alias Detective

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Everything posted by Alias Detective

  1. Alias Detective

    Another sh!tty cop hurts the integrity of the thin blue line

    I dont care about the other thread. What if this situation was faked. What should happen to the fakers?
  2. Alias Detective

    Another sh!tty cop hurts the integrity of the thin blue line

    Let me cut to the chase. Im fed up with with racism. I think this cop is a racist asswhole and needs fired. I also support Jussie and his peeps cause because anyone who loops a rope around a persons neck needs dealt with accordingly. Including being a hate crime. Now, if this is and I mean a big IF, this is at all staged I think all those in power, who perpetuated the BS should be held accountable.
  3. Alias Detective

    Spartacus announces 2020 bid for Prez/Emperor. Booker in........

    If he utters the words my truth or our truth as opposed to THE truth, I’ll puke.
  4. Alias Detective

    Another sh!tty cop hurts the integrity of the thin blue line

    How do you propose doing this? Also Do you support getting rid of people who support fake racism?
  5. Alias Detective

    Forums Software Upgrade - 2/5/19

    I don’t notice a God Damn thing being different.
  6. Alias Detective

    Howard Schultz

    10-4. Agree.
  7. Alias Detective

    Howard Schultz

    Bit early wouldn’t you say?
  8. Alias Detective

    Music: post your favorite leasser known song

    Smoking stems by Chris Stapleton.
  9. Alias Detective

    Magnet Fishing

    Anyone do it? Best catch?
  10. Alias Detective

    Magnet Fishing

    After further review I don’t want to deal with all the trash. I wonder if catch and release is an accepted method?
  11. Alias Detective

    Cell phone challenge

    Anyone here about it?
  12. Alias Detective

    Magnet Fishing

    Just watched videos and am considering doing it too. Way to waste time with the kids.
  13. Alias Detective

    Geico commercials...

    Bob Adababyitsaboy is trying to make a collect call.
  14. Alias Detective

    Jussie Smollett (Empire) claims he was assaulted by MAGA guys.

    Say cracker in this forum and then say niqqer. See how quick the double standard rears it’s ugly head. Good luck.
  15. Alias Detective

    Forums Software Upgrade - 2/5/19

    In before the
  16. Alias Detective

    Jussie Smollett (Empire) claims he was assaulted by MAGA guys.

    Crimes can be committed against a person, property or society. What’s the funny and dangerous precedent?
  17. Alias Detective

    Marketing/Video/Event that completely ruined somebody

    Wow, how intolerant of ones choices. I agree with DonS. Shameful.
  18. Alias Detective

    Forums Software Upgrade - 2/5/19

    I’m calling bullshit. Something will come up.
  19. Alias Detective

    Jussie Smollett (Empire) claims he was assaulted by MAGA guys.

    Its a crime against society. Specifically whites. Whites would be the victims.
  20. Alias Detective

    How come Millennials get blamed for things that Gen X created?

    There is always the 5% rule.
  21. Alias Detective

    How come Millennials get blamed for things that Gen X created?

    If you are 30 or younger you are likely a punk. Thats pretty much what I am figuring out anyway.
  22. Alias Detective

    Jussie Smollett (Empire) claims he was assaulted by MAGA guys.

    Cops found him with the rope still around his neck. That would be the first focking thing I would do for Christ’s sake. “The Chicago Sun-Times, citing a police spokesman, said that Smollett went to an apartment after the attack, and his manager called the police. When officers arrived, a “thin, light rope” was still around Smollett’s neck, said the spokesman.”
  23. So talking out your ass is ok with you? Glad you stand behind your word. Wow.
  24. Alias Detective

    Jussie Smollett (Empire) claims he was assaulted by MAGA guys.

    And Corey Booker and Don Lemon and kamala Harris and every other race filled idiot who promot s this nonsense. On the contrary, if true, the racist bigot offender should be charged with a hate crime. Seems only fair. Right?