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Alias Detective

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Everything posted by Alias Detective

  1. Alias Detective

    ***EdEx Complaining Thread*** edjr - STAY OUT!!!

    Who said it was by accident? Don't be a whine bag.
  2. Alias Detective


    Yet you are in the know. LOL
  3. Alias Detective

    Jon Stewart?

    How the eff do some of you write so many words. Get a life. blabber blabb blabber a blabb blabbb blabbb bb blalaaab
  4. Alias Detective

    ***EdEx The Memorial 2024***

    Mor cow a is trying to piss this away.
  5. Alias Detective

    Deadpool update : possibly one of our own :(

    No one in my family knows my internet doings, my handle will be as dead as me.
  6. Alias Detective

    ***EdEx The Memorial 2024***

    Rory is struggling of the tee so far.
  7. Alias Detective

    Philadelphia Business Curfew

    Do you think they’ll go home and get a good nights rest or move to another shithole?
  8. Alias Detective

    Racist dad ruins daughters graduation

    Ok Al Sharpton. Focking race baiter.
  9. Alias Detective

    Racist dad ruins daughters graduation

    So it can’t be just because he’s black yet reread your thread title.
  10. Alias Detective

    Trump to ban contraception?

    Fixed fur ya.
  11. Alias Detective

    My Aunt Just died

    They come in 3's. T's & P's.
  12. Id bet more than 50% of the poor are poor due to their own doings.
  13. WTF for? Macy's and Dicks don't even have that much in inventory.
  14. Available credit on what? Do you mean equity or do you really have open cc's that can be maxed out at $279,500?
  15. Alias Detective

    Hunter Biden's wife got a little impassioned today in court

    The current President must be so proud.
  16. Alias Detective

    ***EdEx The Memorial 2024***

    Keep my name out yo mouf.
  17. Alias Detective

    The white supremacists on my block are upset

    Mr. Down the middle
  18. Alias Detective

    ***EdEx The Memorial 2024***

    Kittymama as my alt
  19. Alias Detective

    ***EdEx The Memorial 2024***

  20. Alias Detective

    ***EdEx The Memorial 2024***

    He, Hodges, was on my very short list. I guess I’ll take Brian the Midget Harman
  21. Alias Detective

    ***EdEx The Memorial 2024***

    Lets play some Horseshoes! @patweisers44
  22. Alias Detective

    ***EdEx The Memorial 2024***

    You have an itchy trigger finger for a guy?
  23. Alias Detective

    ***EdEx The Memorial 2024***

    @Cloaca du jour