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Everything posted by thunderbox

  1. thunderbox

    10th pick in 10 team .5PPR league?

    I have the 10th and 11th picks in a 10 team .5 point per reception league. Do you think I should go RB/WR, WR/WR, or RB/RB?? Who do you think will still be there? My original thinking was to hope that 2 of 4 WRs (Megatron, AJohnson, Roddy, or Nicks) would be there, but now I am not sure. Do I take Mendenhall at 10 or is that too early? I have never done half a point per reception, so I am trying to do the math to see what kind of difference it makes as compared to a full point per. Any thoughts?? Format: 1QB, 2RB, 3WR, TE, DEF, K, Flex (RB/WR)
  2. thunderbox

    RB Maurice Jones-Drew, JAX

    I was able to pickup Rashad Jennings in time for championship. Now, do I start him over Ryan Torain or Mike Tolbert? What do you guys think?