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Posts posted by weepaws

  1. 2 minutes ago, jerryskids said:

    So, you are a coward.  Welcome to the Harris regime. 

    Also, I've been posting here 21+ years, met dozens of posters, and have made numerous real life friends.  You are on the Mount Rushmore of worst posters here, posting nothing but Bible quotes. 

    I would absolutely challenge you to a pole where one of us leaves the bored forever.  But you are a coward.

    You’ve been posting here 20 years to long, and keep your pole in your pants, now move on hypocrite.  

    You post things about Jesus all the time to me, but yet you call Jesus a liar.  Shame on you.  Pride burns real good in the lake of fire.  Hypocrite.  

    I don’t care how I rank,  you do.  Hypocrite. 

  2. 6 minutes ago, jerryskids said:

    Jesus asked his followers to make tough decisions.  Not to hide in their basement and quote the Bible.  He is disappointed in your cowardice.  Shame on you.



    Standing up for righteousness isn’t a tough decision, following the fools is a tough decision, it’s one you make daily. 

    Funny how you deny Jesus, but now talk about him, your a hypocrite and you need to remove yourself and your gaslighting from this board.  Amen 


  3. 6 minutes ago, jerryskids said:

    A brave man makes tough decisions.  By abstaining, you are helping Harris and her extremely progressive agenda win Nevada.  Thanks for nothing, coward.  :thumbsdown: 

    A Wise, and Righteous person recognize what is wrong, and what is right, and doesn’t want their name associated with that what is wrong, the killing of babies comes along with keeping the borders open, both teams agree with that.  .  

    By voting for any of them, you support their success, Shame on you.  


  4. 10 minutes ago, Maximum Overkill said:

    I've been going zero RB in most re-draft leagues and always getting Walker in the 4th. And I'm totally fine with grabbing the Brian Robinson, Najee and Chase Brown types later on. 

    I think C Brown is going to have a good season.  

  5. 2 minutes ago, squistion said:

    How can any of us sleep at night knowing these Venezuelan gangs (all wearing Hugo Chaven t-shirts) are taking over our cities? 😨


    Dear Heavenly Father God, relax the tension of my body, calm the restlessness of my mind, still the thoughts which worry me, protect us Lord and watch over us as we sleep, may your peace fill my heart as I reflect on a Your goodness, bless my sleep and renew my heart for another day.  God without you we have nothing and we would be nothing, in the Precious Name of Your Son Jesus Christ I pray.  


    You will have a very peaceful sleep.  HTH. 

  6. 2 hours ago, The Real timschochet said:

    Let me put this in language you’ll understand: I think she will win because that’s what Jesus wants to happen. 

    After 12,321 posts, you finally tell the truth.  One can vote alllll day, God’s will be done,  everything is in God’s hands, God is the creator, God will be the destroyer, God is the Judge, and God’s judgment on those that walk with Jesus will be sweet, God’s Judgement on those like you, that deny Jesus and Call him a lair, will be swift and harsh.   

    Congrats on your first truthful post ever.  Amen 


  7. 10 minutes ago, Patented Phil said:

    Look at this gaslighting…. There’s a focking video of these gangs going door to door with semiautomatic weapons collecting shakedown money from tenants.  And they’re minimizing, even dismissing it, focusing their anger on Conservatives for raising the issue.

    Despicable.  Put down these Leftist propagandists like the dogs they are. 

    Get used to it, trump agrees with abortion, do it’s a trade off. But yet with your votes you support it   Amen  


  8. 2 hours ago, lickin_starfish said:

    Listen, if you want to keep your right to kill babies, then you'll have to put up with illegals raping and killing our girls. It's a trade-off, but the benefits outweigh the negatives.

    100% right

    29 minutes ago, jerryskids said:

    Who are you voting for?  That's right, nobody.  Chicken.  :thumbsdown: 

    And trump is on the liberal side with that thinking, and yet you will support it with your vote,   The chicken is the one not standing up for what is right, but giving into what they feel is wrong, but still going along with it,  Shame on you.   You need to leave the board, your a hypocrite.  Amen 


  9. 4 minutes ago, The Real timschochet said:

    I thought she performed well. Outside of conservative news sources nearly all journalists seem to agree. As far as the general public goes I have no idea. I certainly haven’t seen any poll results that indicate otherwise. 

    It’s going to be a close election. But for those of us rooting for Harris to win, the good news remains that since she entered the race just over a month ago, there has been no break in her momentum. No pull the other direction, no halt to the honeymoon and gain by Trump. That’s not to say it won’t happen at some point but it hasn’t happened yet. 


    So what. 

  10. 9 minutes ago, Ray_T said:

    was it that long ago?  I guess it was.

    well either way, I wouldnt be surprised to see him with at least 40 this year given the better WR he now has to work with.   still, thats a significant bump fantasy wise.

    the 2 point bump to the TD's will skew the scoring.  your QB ranks will be all different and you need to adjust to the new reality.  that's the bottom line.   and if the #1 QB scores 50 fantasy points more than anyone else, its hard not to want to take him early.


    Mahomes avg about two rushing tds per season, so 40 tds passing, and two rushing would give him 42 total tds.  

    Last season Purdy 33 total tds, that’s a point difference off 54 points, that’s 3 points per game, Purdy can be had much much later than the second rd, and gladly for three points per game, in the mean time you draft rb/WRs.  

    • Like 1

  11. 10 minutes ago, Ray_T said:

    not entirely true.

    in normal leagues where there are 4 Points for TD passes, the running QB have a distinct advantage because you get 6 points for rush TD.

    so this would essentially put the running QB on even ground with the passing QB.      so those QB who throw a lot of TD passes should be taken earlier (likely a round or two but I admittedly have not crunched the numbers to figure out exactly how big a boost this should be to the ADP.  Especially in cases where the QB throws an awful lot of TD passes.

    but the running QB shouldnt be affected as much.

    in the end, it is worth noting that the QB who throws 40 TD Passes and runs for none will have their score for the year boosted by 80 points.    Thats a pretty significant number   and when dealing with those kind of numbers I cannot advise anyone in good conscience not to move QB up your board.   it has just become a more important position and if you have the best QB the advantage would be considerable.

    Problem is , who is going to have the most passing tds? Mahomes was seventh last season. With zero rushing tds. , so I wouldn’t recommend a second rd pick for him.  

  12. 7 minutes ago, Ray_T said:

    not entirely true.

    in normal leagues where there are 4 Points for TD passes, the running QB have a distinct advantage because you get 6 points for rush TD.

    so this would essentially put the running QB on even ground with the passing QB.      so those QB who throw a lot of TD passes should be taken earlier (likely a round or two but I admittedly have not crunched the numbers to figure out exactly how big a boost this should be to the ADP.  Especially in cases where the QB throws an awful lot of TD passes.

    but the running QB shouldnt be affected as much.

    in the end, it is worth noting that the QB who throws 40 TD Passes and runs for none will have their score for the year boosted by 80 points.    Thats a pretty significant number   and when dealing with those kind of numbers I cannot advise anyone in good conscience not to move QB up your board.   it has just become a more important position and if you have the best QB the advantage would be considerable.

    Just based on td ff points, it would have been better to own Wilson over Mahomes last season, if both passing and rushing tds count 6 points.  
