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Posts posted by milehighmagic

  1. Wilson. Gmen defense is in rough shape, and Wilson has been having some big game through the air AND on the ground.


    Percy Harvin. Andre Williams is trash, and Crabtree is too inconsistent.


    I would go ahead and do it just because I think Foster is more likely to miss time than Murray because of injury. Probably a waste of a roster space, though.


    If you're on the receiving end of getting Marshall, I would go ahead and do it. I think his numbers should jump up the rest of the season as Chicago gets back on track. Also, your WR line might need more help than your RB line.




    Wilson (Calvin back helps Stafford but Miami's defense has been tough.




    Yes, pick up Blue with fosters injury issues.


    Yes, trade for Marshall. Set for a nice second half.


    Quick update on the Marshall trade, I would be giving up Denard and Patterson. Pattersons been a terrible bust anyway.

  2. Tough one...but I'm in the minority who thinks this might work out for you. When Ball comes back Denver might split carries more evenly which will reduce the value of both (maybe). While Lynch hasn't looked good the past few weeks, neither have the Seahawks overall. They have the media and locker room issues as distractions too...but I think Carroll will get a handle on that. Turbin and Michael aren't great. The Seahawks will need to get their act together as they play other tough division rivals (49ers and Cards) and will need Lynch and Wilson to get back on track. Is he/she willing to throw someone else in the trade, or is there a good waiver pickup you can take advantage of to fill the roster spot?


    See mine:




    Kind of my thinking, that Hillman will still start, but Ball will take touches away. I think the Seahawks will get that running game fixed.

    Also I can't get him to throw in more, HE actually wanted more from me, but it's been talked down to this trade, and I would be picking up Rudolph to hopefully produce down the stretch for me, since you know Witten.
