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Everything posted by phillygrrl08

  1. I predict McBroken gets hurt going to the bathroom before the game. Hang onto Jennings.
  2. phillygrrl08

    Post Your First Three Picks

    Picked 12th on a 12 team .5 PPR Morris McCoy Roddy Picked 10th on a 10 team standard McCoy Rice Fitzgerald
  3. phillygrrl08

    Moreno on crutches......

    CJ Anderson flubbed a handoff which was why Moreno went back in the game in OT in obvious pain. I picked up Ball and dropped Miles Austin. Denver would be foolish to rush Moreno back in, and Ball is the next best back IMO.
  4. phillygrrl08

    Biggest Fantasy bust 2013, who you takin?

    +1 I got him off WW and have gotten some decent numbers from him in a pinch.
  5. phillygrrl08

    Should eliminated teams be picking up players?

    In my two money leagues, the highest scoring team on the last week of playoffs gets their entry money back. This keeps it competitive all the way through and means all talk of locking teams has been silenced.
  6. phillygrrl08

    What do you need tonite/ tomorrow

    Never wish an injury...mapquest malfunction or sniffles.
  7. phillygrrl08

    What do you need tonite/ tomorrow

    11 from D Thomas gets me the win and I take over 5th place in the league.
  8. phillygrrl08

    Shady McCoy probably done for the day

    Bye week coming up for Philly. He'll be back in a few weeks...
  9. phillygrrl08

    Bad Weather Games Today?

    Not sure if the weather is going to help or hurt Gio B. I am guessing help because he is excellent in the short passing game, but that will become pretty predictable. Took out Alshon and dropped Nick Folk for Phil Dawson.
  10. phillygrrl08

    Crappy Teams, what went wrong?

    Ray Rice, Roddy White, and Randall Cobb doomed me. Alfred Morris has been mediocre, and I just traded McCoy for Rodgers before Rodgers went down. Bad luck coupled with bad decisions=bad fantasy season.
  11. phillygrrl08

    Worst move you've made?

    Traded McCoy for Rodgers last week.
  12. phillygrrl08

    Worst trade you have made this year?

    VJax for David Wilson.
  13. phillygrrl08

    Should the Eagles sign Tebow?

    Is Barkley a better option?
  14. phillygrrl08

    Offered Rodgers for McCoy

    I took it. Rodgers has had his bye, McCoy hasn't. Vick won't be back at 100% this season, Rodgers is healthy, although his receivers aren't. Should I avoid accepting trade offers after an afternoon of drinking?
  15. phillygrrl08

    Should the Eagles sign Tebow?

    So let's say Foles isn't cleared for Sunday's game at Oakland and Vick is at 50% and Barkley gets the start. Barkley gets hurt--who do they go with? They need to sign someone if Barkley is their only healthy qb. What would the Eagles have to lose if they signed him for a one year deal? Their season is pretty much toast, anyway.
  16. phillygrrl08

    Should the Eagles sign Tebow?

    I love the mentality of simply name calling without any explanation. The Eagles need a QB that can run to make McCoy effective. They currently have two injured QBs and one green interception machine who could be developed, but will get his arse handed to him every week that he starts. What harm would signing Tebow for the remainder of the season until Vick or McCoy got healthy really be? Unless you just love watching Barkley put up points for the other team that is.
  17. Yes--that was another factor.
  18. I know...thinking WAS will be behind most of the game and put Helu in for pass pro. Haven't been impressed with Morris, Helu has overall looked better.
  19. I am playing Helu over Morris right now. The urge to make a change is enormous.
  20. phillygrrl08

    Is this lame, or what?

    If it is a money league, changing the scoring settings after the draft without a league vote is grounds for a refund. Maybe even with a league vote. To me, the settings are agreed upon before the draft and are as binding as a contract.
  21. phillygrrl08

    David Wilson: drop or stash?

    Drop him faster than he'd drop a goal line handoff.
  22. phillygrrl08

    Week 6 Official FU thread

    Fock no one this week. I played Gio, McCoy, Vernon Davis, and plugged Foles in for Vick in one league. Traded Morris, Roddy and Geno for Stafford and Demaryius Thomas earlier this week. Sat Bowe. I may go 5/5 this week, the first time all season. Life is good.
  23. phillygrrl08

    Stupid drops in your league

    That one takes first prize.
  24. phillygrrl08

    I am Benching Stafford this week for ___________

    Get a sense of humor and stop taking FF so seriously.