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Brutal Brutus

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Everything posted by Brutal Brutus

  1. Brutal Brutus

    Trade-McGahee for Montee Ball

    Richardson struggled with the Browns, I don't see how anyone that replaces him does any better. Moreno has an injury history and Ball is clearly the #2. If you're not desperate for RB right now I'd go with Ball. If you need a RB who has a chance to help you right now Mcgahee might be the better option.
  2. Brutal Brutus

    Vick or Kaepernick and more!

    That was to Houston, who targets their TE a ton in the red zone. i'm not saying that Gates is a bad option and won't score but using Houston TE TD's can be miss leading.
  3. Brutal Brutus

    how my team look

    With Cam as your QB I'd hold on to Rivers. You don't have a lot of depth at any position and therefore not a lot of options. If you're really inclinded to get a WR1. You could potentially find a desperate owner for a RB and package a trade either forte (or spiller if the price is right) and a WR for a top 5 WR and get a decent RB2. You downgrade RB but it helps you at WR. The other option is taking Mcfadden straight up and trading to get a better WR. This package should get you a top12 receiver possibly better if you find an owner deep at WR and hurting at RB. If I were you the second option would be more enticing to me, but thats because I believe Mcfadden is going to be injured soon.
  4. Brutal Brutus


    Whats his value going forward? I have him on my team listed below, any thoughts on a package deal I could use to up grade at any of my positions?
  5. Brutal Brutus

    Trent Richardson Traded to Colts

    From a Fantasy standpoint, if Trent couldn't getit done I don't see how anyone the have or bring in will be worth anything
  6. Brutal Brutus

    Trent Richardson Traded to Colts

    And Bradshaw who i've been holding out for a trade just hit the waiver wire
  7. Brutal Brutus

    Fellas I need your help...

    If used correctly it should be enough, you just can't go chasing every one week wonder guy. You can pay for one or two high price guys and do your homework on everyone else.
  8. Brutal Brutus

    Get DeAngelo Williams, trade away Ben Tate?

    The problem with DWill is that he is what he is. He's going to get 50-80 yards and about 1% chance for a TD. Tate is getting 10 carries a game, on a far better team (that runs a ton in the red zone) and he's one injury away from being a top 5 back.
  9. Brutal Brutus

    Fellas I need your help...

    The only thing worse than your cap situation is your runingback situation. Moreno is the top back this week and in the long term. The others have short term value and based on your current cap siuation should not warrant any consideration from you. I would put in a bid for Moreno, but the amount really depends on how the rest of your roster looks.
  10. Brutal Brutus

    Can DMAC keep it up

    I think his value is really dependant on your situation. As a team thats 2-0 and has very little injury problems right now i'd still avoid him (unless the price was cheap). However, as you mentioned, if I was 0-2 or had some injury problems I might be more willing to risk him staying healthy.
  11. Brutal Brutus

    Vincent Jackson

    I have him and I'm not worried. Tampa may be up and down but he's been fine so far despite mediocre play from Freeman. He would have had a great week last week had a TD not been called back due to holding. Freeman may be sketch at times but he's been that way his entire career and Jackson was still a beast last year.
  12. Brutal Brutus

    Sooo, is Bowe a must start this week?

    You better be stacked at WR if you don't
  13. Brutal Brutus

    Throw baconburger from the train!

    I would even take Moreno above Williams. Williams may get more yards but will be lucky to get 5 tds this year. Moreno has the trust of Fox and Peyton and will be getting even more work as the season
  14. Brutal Brutus

    Who is more important, back up QB or another # 3 WR ?

    Once you get down to Andre Roberts its pretty much a crap shoot, may as well keep the back up QB and play the match ups
  15. Brutal Brutus

    Pick one...WW

    Royal Bell Pierce Your roster seems to have more need at WR than at RB, thus I'd go with Royal.
  16. Brutal Brutus

    2-0 club, check in here!

  17. Brutal Brutus

    Kaep vs IND or Vick vs KC

    hard to go wrong with either but I'd go Kaep, KC has a better D than people think and no way the 49ers don't come out strong this week