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Brutal Brutus

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Posts posted by Brutal Brutus

  1. Not a bad bye week fill in guy. Clearly the deep threat, is emerging as the #3 option there by taking over as the starting outside receiver opposite of Brown. Wheaton, and Rodgers will still take some of the targets away from him, but he is clearly on a different level of those guys in terms of talent. He's a good receiver to have as he can be a spot start right now, and offers second half of the year upside.

  2. Kessler, Keenum, Gabbert, Farve. Unless you own Cam he shouldn't factor into your plans. We probably won't know if Cam is out for sure until Monday, and Anderson certainly isn't worth the risk of not having a starting QB. If you want to roll the dice on starting Cam and having him as plan B, that's the only situation I can see him being put into anyone's lineup unless something changes and Cam is ruled out early.

  3. With White out I think Jeffery has a good chance at becoming the borderline WR1/2 that he was drafted as. Hoyer isn't a bad fantasy QB and was the primary QB for Hopkins last year, so clearly he doesn't kill receivers values. If you look at the first three weeks for Jeffery, the only thing missing are TDs. If he had one or two in the first three weeks he's right where he should be.

  4. My general feeling is that if your team is still alive when he comes back, you're probably doing just fine at running back without him. He wasn't very productive when healthy, and from what I've read he's back in week 15 or 16 at the earliest, assuming he comes back in game shape and takes the lead role right back. That's a long time to have a dead weight on your bench, that has no promise of being healthy or productive this year.

  5. PPR/Standard? Riddick's value is extremely different in these two. I wouldn't want him as an RB2 in standard but in PPR it's not bad. If you do it, I would try to flip Walker for another low RB2 or high ceiling backup RB. That being said, not sure its a risk worth taking as TE really isn't a position of need for you.

  6. Sounds like you pretty much have it figured out for yourself. Just go with what you think is best. If you're wrong at least it was your call, and you get another shot next week. You're thinking is logical, but I could come up with reasons to start or to sit each player.

  7. Tough. Most experts seem to believe that Cooks is the clear #1, but when healthy I'm not so sure Snead isn't the top guy there. I see Snead being more consistent, with Cooks having a few bigger games.


    1a. Cooks

    1b. Snead

    3. Thomas

    4. Coleman

  8. I picked up D Washington of Detroit last week. He didn't have a break out game but looked much better than Riddick running the ball. I expect DWash of Detroit to become the 1st and 2nd down back and Theo to be relegated back to 3rd down and recving back.

    I see it becoming a game flow/game plan dependant back field. Similar to a Hill/Bernard situation.

  9. I don't know how you do it, but for me fantasy football is all about statistical probability. Vegas math. Week to week highly variable. Over time much more predictable. It may be one of the three weeks he outscores me and I need a big week out of an unusual suspect. Statistically, chances are it's not one of those week. A zero more likely decreases my chances than a big game increases my chances. I won't take a risk when more times than not, I don't need to. It's not a guarantee and I could lose but more times than not I don't..
