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Cloaca du jour

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Everything posted by Cloaca du jour

  1. Cloaca du jour

    What time do you wake up and go to bed?

    Up at six am for work...feeling like ive been tranq'd. Come saturday im up at 5 sittin on the porch wide awake hahaha
  2. As a long time fan of hockey I agree as well, it was a hockey play unfortunate as it may be. I thought the game misconduct was extreme as well
  3. Cloaca du jour

    Mass shooting in California

    Which one? I cant keep up. Blame your fake news sources for controlling what gets coverage. You didnt even provide a link
  4. Cloaca du jour

    Help an Old Luddite Out

    When did Al roker start quoting how many people are affected by every storm that passes by? First with snowstorms and now with rainstorms.... Over 20 million in the path of this storm...
  5. God bless and all that. Another example of " i gotta truck... im gonna drive thru this raging floodwater!" Yeeehaww....oh They should take their children away on general stupidity
  6. Pretty fockin funny. Ill try to find a link. Its on cnns home page http://www.snappytv.com/tc/4592838/2875538
  7. Cloaca du jour

    We should start a geek club book club

    I dunno i know i enjoy discussing books with people and i enjoy reading We could have a poll and decide on a book and then we could figure out a reading schedule... i can look up book club ideas. I suggested American gods because the concept of creating new gods based on technology is an interesting concept http://www.litlovers.com/run-a-book-club
  8. So, she is single now....you makin a move? or can I get her number?
  9. Cloaca du jour

    White people live longer...reason? White privilige.

    If white privilege you mean I wont get shot because I'm to busy working and not hangin out all day long, color me guilty.
  10. Cloaca du jour

    Stanley Cup Playoffs!

    Anyone watchin? Watching the penguins against the blue jackets. Pens down but we will emerge victorious!!!
  11. Cloaca du jour

    Stanley Cup Playoffs!

    On a side note, i hate ovechkin and his shot to the guys face is a perfect example. But, in game one he could have destroyed crosby with a legal check and actually let up which suprised me.
  12. Cloaca du jour

    Stanley Cup Playoffs!

    Wow, who would have thunk the pens would take game 2??? Especially as bad as they played in game 1! Fleury is standing on his head every game!! Sullivan is a helluva coach!!!
  13. Cloaca du jour

    Alright, let's do this: The Where Are You Located Thread

    Columbiana, Ohio
  14. Cloaca du jour

    Heiniken ad - is this a moon landing?

    Interesting ad for sure
  15. Netflix has different programming in diff countries
  16. Cloaca du jour

    Essay Question. Cap v Dixie Chicks

    So.. do messican teachers say "write your essay ese"
  17. Cloaca du jour

    Essay Question. Cap v Dixie Chicks

    More like apples to trout
  18. Cloaca du jour

    Guy roasting cnn at correspondents dinner

    I liked the street fighter reference
  19. Cloaca du jour

    So now the 'OK' hand gesture means "White power"

    I think its supposed to be a rooster head. Isn't that how they teach their kids to walk?
  20. Cloaca du jour

    Stanley Cup Playoffs!

    Wow did the Pens steal one in washington....if it wasnt for FLeury standing on his head..coulda been a 6 goal game for the caps.
  21. Cloaca du jour

    United is killing giant bunny rabbits now.

    Get it in the freezer to make some hasenfeffer
  22. Someone here once made a comment about Bomani Jones and how he leaves his mouth open after every comment. I cant watch him any more without cracking up
  23. Whats gonna happen to woody paige? Around the horn used to be one of my faves back in the day
  24. Cloaca du jour

    What would be your porn name?

    Gimmeedat Rottencrotch