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Cloaca du jour

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Everything posted by Cloaca du jour

  1. Cloaca du jour

    Abominable Snow Man

    I read a horror novel that had yeti/bigfoot etc as being gods first attempts at making man in his image. Was pretty good book if i recall.
  2. Cloaca du jour

    Stanley Cup Playoffs!

    Wow helluva game so far, 4-4 with 4 mins left
  3. Cloaca du jour

    He is risen!

    Consider yourself blessed
  4. Cloaca du jour

    He is risen!

    I pray for you. You get so caught up with the mega churches and the muslims your missing the joy of a small church with good people and good fun. Its a totally different experience than you think it is. Thats what all you haters have wrong. Sorry your missing out
  5. Cloaca du jour

    Neverwinter nights ps4 free game

    For the google impaired Its a mmorpg. Guys used to play here on pc ages ago. Edjr, jvirne, brinette9, ptmuck and a few others I just started a theif and the game seems pretty complex Free to play but you can spend real dough to unlock different looks and races like dragonborn
  6. Cloaca du jour

    President of Croatia

    She looks like the lady on the old cameo my grandmother had lol.
  7. Cloaca du jour


    Also known as Luke Cage Part of the Heroes for Hire comic book He partnered with Iron Fist
  8. Cloaca du jour

    Survivor 34 - Game Changers

  9. Cloaca du jour

    Prayers to Todd Heap and family

  10. Cloaca du jour

    Prayers to Todd Heap and family

    That is terrible
  11. Cloaca du jour

    A Friend Of My Wifey.....

    Everyone so wrapped ip in social media you cant get away enough to reflect and give yourself a stern talking to and peptalk to get yourself through struggles. Social media has ruined our ability to communicate with others as well as our own selves. To thine own self be true!
  12. Cloaca du jour

    Here you go! Stop the bickering!

    Www.nationstates.net Run your own country. Post your gubment type at the start based on a questionnaire. Random events happen and how you handle them determines your gubment type Im the republic of cloaca land
  13. Cloaca du jour

    C'mon man

    Stupidest cris carter segment on mike n mike in the morning
  14. Cloaca du jour

    I'm the Man

    Hahahahhahha That movie was hilarious. Even the riding the excercise bike into the tree. Todays kids would be like ..meh
  15. Cloaca du jour

    So some of us aren't adults yet..

    Theres alot of jerbs out there for young people but they dont want to work. I know alot of business owners who would love to get somone that doesnt take a day off after being hired a week. Parents coddle their kids way too much...dont ever make them fend for themselves even a little bit
  16. Cloaca du jour

    Diver captures underwater earthquake

    Cool, i wonder if they could feel it in the water
  17. Cloaca du jour

    Piano Man

    Tim mcgraw dont take the girl Mike and the mechanics the living years Live like you were dying The little girl by john muchael montgomery. These are some songs that choke me up
  18. Cloaca du jour

    Piano Man

    I think i have a couple of his albums on cassette someplace
  19. Cloaca du jour

    Well, here's a scientifical discussion for ya...

    Yep thats a tough scene.
  20. Cloaca du jour

    Recommend a movie available on NETFLIX instant.

    Scifi Spectral Not bad all things considered. Interesting take on a pretty recent scientific discovery
  21. Cloaca du jour

    Well, here's a scientifical discussion for ya...

    Worst scientifical movie was volcano. No holding back lava with k-rail and fire trucks.
  22. Cloaca du jour

    Well, here's a scientifical discussion for ya...

    I preferred Deep Impact. Spent more time on what would you do with your last days on earth? Fish was the best character. Love Duvall.
  23. Cloaca du jour

    Cop chokes then bashes mans face in for jaywalking

    Who cares? Its about that guy on the plane. Amiright? The guy challenged the cop to fight and lost...no story
  24. Cloaca du jour

    Anyone get yanked off a United Airlines flight recently?

    If the authorities ask you to get up and you resist... what do you expect?
  25. Cloaca du jour

    School counselor being naughty

    He gave her seminole fluid?