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Everything posted by skydiverd

  1. LOL. Yeah, that sucked. Add his points to my Denver Defense points, and I have a total of -1.4 Great..... Luckily I survived the week, but will be going back to Burton after this. And the rub is I also considered Ebron over McDonald, and decided McDonald had more long term potential... Hopefully I was at least right about that. LOL
  2. skydiverd

    Can I get a FU?

    FU Denver Defense!!! -2. And a retroactive FU to Cleveland Defense last week. also -2. F this - I'm leaving the defense slot empty. I'll be ahead by two points every week.
  3. skydiverd

    Flex help

    Boyd vs Miami Kupp vs Seattle D. Freeman first game back from injury, but against Pitt These three are my main choices. I don't think Carson, Lockett, Jones and Kerryon are in consideration this week over these three. Tell me if I'm wrong. So tempted to use Freeman here but first game back from injury scares me. Currently have Kupp plugged in. Too bad I didnt have him in last week... Thoughts? Standard Scoring
  4. skydiverd

    Cousins or Watson

    I'd roll Watson as well.
  5. skydiverd

    Jone or Conner

    As a conner owner, I'd rather have Jones also. A bit riskier volume wise as GB has not committed to him, and maybe never truly will, but by far more talented. Conner may have a higher floor, but I think the ceiling for Jones is higher.
  6. I had a similar situation. Had to choose between Drake, M. Jones and Kerryon. I actually dropped Drake. And then of course the news comes out of Detroit that Kerryon wont get an increased workload, because their new coach is obviously an idiot...…. Even still, with his limited role, I trust him before Drake. Hoping peer pressure, and some common sense, will win out, as Kerryon is noticeably better than blount. And of course Drake was snapped up. But he was killing me. Good Riddance. Hope the Vance Dance pays off for both of us!
  7. skydiverd

    Help me avoid the same mistake...

    I would also use Ridley and Sanders.
  8. skydiverd

    TE Streamer wk 5

    Need to stream a TE for week 5, or possibly roster one permanently. Best available: E. Ebron - doyle still out in wk 5? V. McDonald - could be worth permanent roster spot? C. Brate - with OJ howard out and /Winston at QB could be good for the next few weeks. Leaning towards Brate but McDonald has long term potential roster possibilities. Taking the plunge and dropping my 4th rounder who was supposed to be my RB2 (Drake) to cover this stream. Heading into week 4 it was a tough call between him and Marvin Jones on who to drop. Now, it's not so tough. LOL
  9. skydiverd

    TE Streamer wk 5

    LOL I did finally realize this about an hour after I posted. Makes the choice a little easier.
  10. skydiverd

    Week 4 FU Thread

    Luckily I sat him this week. To answer your question, I need to stream a tight end week 5. Guess who is getting dropped for the slot..... Done with this guy. So glad I used a 4th rounder on him.
  11. skydiverd

    Flex Help

    Tough flex choice - I'm leaning towards T. Boyd. But hey, I could be talked into Lockett or Kupp, or even Carson. Boyd Vs Atlanta - even with Green, thinking he will do well in high scoring affair. Kupp vs Minny tonite. - I already have Diggs in this game - if it end up low scoring 2 WR's could hurt me. Carson vs AZ - is he now the man in SEA? M. Jones vs Dallas - concerned about declining target share. Lockett vs AZ - baldwin still out? Drake vs NE - don't trust him right now Standard scoring. WHIR Thanks
  12. Left Kupp on the bench in favor of Tyler Boyd. Pretty sure I picked wrong there LOL Played Diggs. Opponent played Theilen. Bummer. Love going into Sunday down by 6.
  13. skydiverd

    week 4 stream def/st

    Rolling with CLeveland for a while. In our league they have 11, 9, 11 in first 3 weeks. Against PIT and NO also. They are #4 in ESPN league so far. And they just got an offense upgrade so they may improve.
  14. skydiverd

    WW Receivers - if so drop who?

    Ok - pulled the trigger and dropped enunwa for Boyd. I was likely never going to start enunwa anyhow as he has a nice floor but a low ceiling. I need some occasional home runs to garner some wins. Thanks guys. I need a win this week, just to get to 1-3. The streak starts here! LOL
  15. skydiverd

    WW Receivers - if so drop who?

    12 man league, standard scoring Current roster: Rivers Hunt Connor Hopkins Diggs Burton M. Jones - Flex Current bench: D. Freeman C.. Carson K. Johnson K. Drake Q. Enunwa T. Lockett C. Kupp Avaialble on Wire - T. Boyd, J. Brown, C. Godwin, G. Alison Leaning towards grabbing Boyd and dropping Drake, but its hard to drop a 4th rounder. Miami has had some weird games and I don't want to drop prematurely, but man he has hurt me more than helped me. Maybe drop one of the bench receivers. If so, which one?Pretty good team for 0-3. Ugh...
  16. I have Diggs, and will start him. I think last week was a fluke. Although I'm not a fan of the short week on the heels of that, but I know if I get cute and bench him, then he will get 120 and 2. but yes, I will be nervous.....
  17. skydiverd

    Kenyan Drake

    He's gone from RB 2, to flex, to now riding pine. Hoping that he will improve but not optimistic at this point. Although Miami has had some wierd games, maybe that will settle down, but he can;t be trusted for anything right now. Sure am glad I used my 4th pick on him....
  18. skydiverd

    WR need 2

    I like Mike Williams and Ty Hilton. Lockett too is Baldwin is still out. As a Chicago homer, I'm gun shy on Robinson, as Trubisky is brutal. But he does seem to be the target hog. Not sure if it will ever translate to a big game though, but he may have a decent floor. But I think I would roll with Williams and Hilton as my first two choices.
  19. Trying to decide if I make a move for a bench upgrade here. 12 team league, standard scoring my RB's and WR's (we play 2 each and a flex) RB's: Hunt , Drake, Connor, Carson, J. Williams, Kerryon WR's: Hopkins, Diggs, M. Jones, M. Goodwin, C. Kupp, T. Lockett TE: Burton - Trubisky sucking has me concerned here as well Top available on the waiver: Q. Enunwa Gio - short term rental B. Powell M. Breida Buck Allen J. Brown D. Jackson T. Boyd TE's J. James O. Howard E. Ebron Should I hit the TE spot first or roll the dice that the bears QB will start looking for his TE a little more. I think I'm ok at receiver, but sure do like some of the FA's available. RB - can never have too many, and my back end is not very strong here. Powell may be better option than any of my last 3. So, if this was you, WWYD? LOL WHIR Thanks.
  20. skydiverd

    Chris Hogan or ?

    Id go stills and Davis
  21. skydiverd

    P/U Kerryon - drop who?

    Hi guys - first post here. Nice site! Standard scoring - 12 team league someone dropped Kerryon Johnson. I believe he will be good at some point this season so I was thinking I'd grab him. Problem is who to drop? Roster: Rivers Hunt Connor Hopkins Diggs Drake Burton Kicker stream Defense stream Bench: Marvin Jones Jamall Williams Chris Carson Marln Mack Cooper Kupp Tyler Lockett Marquise Goodwin Don't want to drop the wrong guy off the bench, but leaning towards Carson or Mack. ALthough Marvin Jones is also a concern for me with the emergence of Golladay. Thoughts? I'll answer yours as well. Thanks!
  22. skydiverd

    P/U Kerryon - drop who?

    Thanks guys. Submitted the waiver claim. Will see if I get him tomorrow. Dropping Mack. Almost dropped Williams. May still have to eventually. LOL. Hope all this stress wasnt for nothing only to lose out because Im 4th in line.
  23. skydiverd

    I have RB depth but limited WR depth! Help!

    My first read would be to look at the WR's the Bell owner has and offer him Connor for one of them.
  24. Not feeling good about any of these but leaning towards Oliver who will lose touches to Brown, but perhaps may play a little better now that there is a threat. Edelman - I don't trust at all and likely shouldn't be on this list but I see the pats throwing a lot today. Possible lots of short passes. Sanu-Green seems to be back. Thoughts?
  25. skydiverd

    PPR Flex Help

    Is ride with Decker this week. Close Second choice would be McFadden