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Everything posted by skydiverd

  1. skydiverd

    Lynch Trade (will answer yours)

    Keep Hillman.
  2. skydiverd

    Pick 2: Edelman, Cooks, Sanu

    Down on Edelman, leaning towards Cooks and Sanu even with Green coming back. Thinking clearly, or does Edelman come back with a fury after being benched late last week? If there is ever a game where Brady is going to need to throw a lot, this one is it. Thoughts?
  3. skydiverd

    Vereen Trustworthy?...RB2 and Flex Help

    Thanks for mine. As a bears homer, the team is a mess. I would start any rb against them. Is go vereen and benjiman.
  4. skydiverd

    Mediocrity hell! Help!

    WR 2 slot. Pick 1 : Edelman vs Bears, Baldwin vs Carolina, Sanu vs Baltimore Rb 2 slot: Ingram vs Packers, Oliver vs Dencer, Mason vs KC Flex: whatever is left over from those. Standard PPR scoring. Leave a link, I'll hit you back. Thanks!
  5. skydiverd

    McKinnon, Bradshaw, Oliver

    Agree. Tough to bench Oliver but I like the first three more. I also picked up mason to stash.
  6. skydiverd

    Maclin or Watkins

    I can't hanger your mind, so I'd say go with Watkins. I see philly stinking it up this week. I can see Orton doing well enough make Watkins productive. Please see mine. http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=439487&do=findComment&comment=5347055
  7. skydiverd

    I need help this week please

    I second that opinion. Please see mine as well. http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=439487&do=findComment&comment=5347055
  8. skydiverd

    PPR Trade AJ Green for Jerick McKinnon

    Agreed. Too much to give away for a potential lingering injury. Please see mine. I'm desperate. LOL http://www.fftodayforums.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=439487&do=findComment&comment=5347055
  9. skydiverd

    Start Two RB's!

    Sorry. Vereen. Not between. LOL
  10. skydiverd

    Start Two RB's!

    As a bears fan, I'd start between in a heartbeat. Then likely Lacy.
  11. One will be my WR 2 and the other my flex. Sanu Vs Carolina - I wasn't considering him until the news about AJ Green just broke (likely not going to play) Edelman - I pretty much auto start him as #2 - but he has stunk it up last two weeks K. Wright vs Jax - Seems to get a lot of targets, though not a yardage guy. This is a PPR league. Currently set with Edelman as WR 2 and K.Wright as flex. Leave it this way, or plug in Sanu for ??
  12. skydiverd

    Luck or Rivers?

    I don't subscribe to the cancel theory, I try for the most points possible every week. Start Luck. Best thing going now. Regardless of who your opponent is starting.
  13. Thanks for answering mine. Honestly, don't know how welker is playing this year, but I am not a fan of two WR on same team. Risky if they decide that today is their day to run run run, or just cant get it going through the air, or end up scoring a crapload of points in other ways, thus eliminating the need to toss the rock. I understand it, in a way, mitigates the risk of playing against manning, but that can also bite you. and if it does, it bites you in two positions rather than just one. YOu might want to plug Sanu in here instead of flex? Flex spot, I like Gates and Sanu, possibly in that order. I like Eli against Philly. Both teams will be scoring.
  14. skydiverd

    Fitzgerald or Sanu? will answer all links

    I would do it. There has been enough evidence that Fitz is not going to produce too much. He will certainly have some decent games but his days of dominance are long gone. Sanu has upside, and for the short term at least, that ceiling is much higher than Fitz.
  15. Deangelo Williams out. Not DJ.. LOL. Fat thumbs. This gives Stewart a decent chance against a bit very good run D. I think this makes him a better option over Chris Johnson this week. Anyone agree?
  16. skydiverd

    No one vomitting? Lets see your 0-2 teams! spermoff

    12 man league 11th pick Kaepernick Dalton G. Bernard C. Johnson M. Ingram J. Hill J. Stewart B. Marshall J. Edelman L. Fitzgerald B. Hartline B. Cooks A. Gates K. Rudolph Gould Carolina I have the third highest point total, guess who I played weeks 1 and 2. LOL I like my team, but really suffering the RB 2 slot. Still think I have a shot to make the top 6 and get into the playoffs, unless I falter again this week.
  17. skydiverd

    J. Stew or CJ1 PPR

    Gonna roll with Johnson. I'm afraid to watch! Especially as my opponent is starting Ivory.
  18. skydiverd

    Fitzgerald or Cooks PPR league

    Well, it's come to this with fitzy. Lol. Considering sitting him for Cooks in my flex spot. Am I insane? LOL
  19. skydiverd

    Help me take out my nemesis! I'll return favor

    I would go sproles and Bradshaw. Good luck!
  20. skydiverd

    J. Stew or CJ1 PPR

    I have the exact same dilemma!! Stewart or Chris Johnson. Both in sucky time share. I am at a total loss on this one. I'll monitor this thread closely. LOL. If deangelo does not play, I'm going with Stewart. If he does play I'll likely go with Johnson. Ughhh.
  21. skydiverd

    Hilton, Cooks, or Asiata at Flex?

    I'd Go Hilton first, then Cooks, or could easily flip that. I would do the wait and see with Asiata.
  22. skydiverd

    Cappernick or Dalton

    Not sure which to go with. Both have favorable match ups. Normally I'd say cap w/o hesitation but my fear is the bears run d is so bad that all cap does is hand the ball off...... Thoughts?
  23. skydiverd

    Limited add/drops - pickup Gordon now

    Our league only allows 5 F/A acquisitions per year. Silent auction every Wednesday. Thinking about it, thinking about it.... LOL