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Hardcore troubadour

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Everything posted by Hardcore troubadour

  1. No, he magically has the power to separate the good from the bad then. But he can't seem to pull it off with Okeefe.
  2. Hardcore troubadour

    The Drive - 31 years ago today!

    Yeah. You were still smartin from that 46-10 disgraceful showing the year before. Most of your pals around here don't remember that. Shiiiit, they may have been rooting for the Bears. Not much of a fan base back then. Lol.
  3. She was just 17, you know what I mean, and before too long I fell in love with her. My favorite Beatles song.
  4. What semantics are you referring to? Can't stand the heat, hit the ignore button. Weak
  5. The 17 claim was made to give it validity, as if it was an obvious occurrence, and now we know it's not. It was window dressing to make the sale. Many fell for it, including you.
  6. Hardcore troubadour

    Tennessee at New England: Divisional Playoff Game Thread

    Just can't see a guy like Mukarkey matching wits with the best there is. He would have to pull some funky stuff and BB doesn't fall for that. Maybe they got him once years ago with the wildcat. That's about it. You have to play straight up and knock them around.
  7. The community being "17" intel agencies.
  8. iu Also, you like saying people are being duped, and yet you were also the one touting that "17 intelligence agencies" mularkey. I recall sniffing that one out too. Maybe you get duped sometimes?
  9. Hardcore troubadour

    Senator Feinstein's best day ever

    Obama was letting 30 people a day read the presidential daily briefing. No president came close to that.
  10. Hardcore troubadour

    The Drive - 31 years ago today!

    Yeah, but ahead of the rest. I'll always have 18-1. The sequel and Wide Right. Plus 86. Great ride. Dominated.
  11. I thought we were doing ok. Oh well.
  12. Hardcore troubadour

    The Drive - 31 years ago today!

    He didn't choke. He got choked. Giants baby!
  13. How do you know it's factually flawed if you don't watch or read it? I think you are capable of separating the accurate aspects from the dishonest ones. It's what you're claiming you have done with the "dossier". Try this story out and tell us what's BS and what isn't. I'd be interested. Maybe I'm not seeing it.
  14. Ok. You dismiss Okeefe because you say some of his stuff is dishonest. But you accept what's in the "dossier" despite it containing the pee pee nonsense. Got it.
  15. Come on man. Are you really going to say you didn't jump all over the pee-pee story? I know that the left dresses it up and calls it a "dossier", but it wasn't. It was just some junk thrown together for some money.
  16. What do you got? Let's hear it. I'll hang up and listen.
  17. You sure put a lot of stock in buzzfeed.
  18. Hardcore troubadour

    Up next (or going down literally): James Franco #metoo

    Never got this guy. He's another of those people Hollywood and the media shove down our throats and we're all supposed to go along. I do like the Deuce though.
  19. Hardcore troubadour

    Senator Feinstein's best day ever

  20. Hardcore troubadour

    Dads with daughters.

    It's different with daughters. I know liberals don't believe there is a difference, but nature feels there is. As does every guy with one. Well, every man with one. If you don't have one, you don't know.
  21. Hardcore troubadour

    Senator Feinstein's best day ever

    Toadies- "She's so Brave!!!" Feinstein- " I had a cold". Yeah, she's a regular Audie Murphy. Too bad Obama can't give her one of those fake medals he handed out.
  22. Hardcore troubadour

    Dads with daughters.

    I have learned to nip things in the bud. The moment he grabbed her wrist was the moment he should have been throated and asked if he wanted to die while he gasped for air. Maybe it's not too late. I'd give it a go. This isn't ending well anyway, may as well get it over with.
  23. Hardcore troubadour

    Dads with daughters.

    Yeah, I got that covered. And I doubt it.
  24. Hardcore troubadour

    Senator Feinstein's best day ever

    Lock her up too. These people think they are the government , not part of it.