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Hardcore troubadour

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Hardcore troubadour last won the day on July 8

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13,328 Excellent

About Hardcore troubadour

  • Rank
    FF Geek

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  • Gender
  • Location
    The scenic Hudson Valley
  • Interests
    The New York Football Giants, The Fat Housewives of Fishtown, Yankee Baseball

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  1. Yeah. The guys storming the beaches were doing it because the Nazis crushed the trans movement. And the soldiers knew this. They saw it on the internet.
  2. Hardcore troubadour

    The Love Deal

    They must know that cap is going to go up significantly. 18 game season here we come.
  3. They should have went back to America and had big families. We would be much better off. Europe’s doom has only been postponed, but it’s inevitable.
  4. Hardcore troubadour

    Violent Liberals Destroying Portland

    You are aligned with many of their political positions. For example , you also support mutilating vulnerable, confused young boys and girls.
  5. Hardcore troubadour

    The Love Deal

    Wow. That’s a lot of scarole for a guy with one good half of a season and a playoff win. Granted it was a fantastic half a season and a great win. Eh, it won’t be the highest contract for long. That’s the way it goes.
  6. Hardcore troubadour

    Violent Liberals Destroying Portland

    She’s on the wrong side of everything.
  7. Imagine all the good men that stormed the beaches at Normandy and died to liberate France could see that display all these years later? They would have turned right around. They should have.
  8. Hardcore troubadour

    ***Official*** Kamala Harris for President thread

    Andy Ngo does great work. A true journalist.
  9. Hardcore troubadour

    ***Official*** Kamala Harris for President thread

    Has she ever apologized to the dead marines and sailor families for her role in the doomed incident that led to their death? A hasty, undignified exit done for political purposes?
  10. Hardcore troubadour

    Did We Just Witness a Coup?

    Why did Biden drop out of the race?
  11. Hardcore troubadour

    ***Official*** Kamala Harris for President thread

    This idiot thinks the da in a major city does trials.
  12. Hardcore troubadour

    kamala fully supported the 2020 riots.

    What would have happened if George Clooney wanted someone else to be the candidate?
  13. Hardcore troubadour

    kamala fully supported the 2020 riots.

    She absolutely wished to defund the police. It is known.
  14. Hardcore troubadour

    kamala fully supported the 2020 riots.

    She approved that focked up bill.
  15. Hardcore troubadour

    Wayne Brady is a Pansexual 🌈 WTF IS A PANSEXUAL?
