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Everything posted by -Vyse-

  1. -Vyse-

    Gold shouldn't be valued like it is.

    Gold should be valued like it is. It’s diamonds that are overvalued. At least with gold they can use it for things such as microchips and in satellites. It’s actually a really good metal. There are FAR more things overvalued before we should even have a discussion on gold
  2. I miss back when people were all about NOT having labels define who they are. Now that’s ALL they care about
  3. -Vyse-

    Wow Delta 8

    I can’t get high off of it. I gotta have the real thing
  4. A lot of the right are against it. That’s what I’m talking about. I’m not about to argue with someone online if that’s what you’re trying to do
  5. Nah I don’t get down with critical race theory. That’s just racism disguised. More of a middle of the road person but tend to agree with a few more policies on the left than I do on the right. Either way, I’m not going to be political cause I don’t care about politics. If they’d just leave us alone and let us carry on with our lives I’d be happy
  6. Not really. Didn’t vote for Biden but also didn’t vote for Trump. Some of my beliefs align more with the left than the right. Like abortion. But that doesn’t mean I believe antifa or BLM rioting is right. Growing up in Colorado you kinda pick up some left leaning beliefs and I see nothing wrong with that
  7. I lean more left than I do right but all these news stations can suck it.
  8. -Vyse-

    Florida condo bldg collapse

    Down here currently probably 30 minutes from where this happened. All anyone is talking about today
  9. -Vyse-

    Thought about buying a house

    Im anxious to find out too. You all are like a damn daytime soap opera. Don't know why I don't visit more often. This is golden lol
  10. -Vyse-

    Restaurants being forced to close

    Some places around here I am particular about. I only like one thing on their menu. Hoping they still make that when I go by later on lol
  11. -Vyse-

    Restaurants being forced to close

    As long as I can get delivery or take it I will be ok. Honestly, would rather eat at home than at the restaurant.
  12. -Vyse-

    Thought about buying a house

    Oh wait so that's hardcores house? Wow.
  13. -Vyse-

    Coronavirus - Doomsday

    Quarantine is making all of you crazy. Every single one of you and its hilarious. You all keep posting. What you are saying is gold
  14. -Vyse-

    Coronavirus - Doomsday

    Possibly lol.
  15. -Vyse-

    Thought about buying a house

    Why New York? That place sucks and is full of pussies.
  16. -Vyse-

    Coronavirus - Doomsday

    Anyone else thinking digby has the virus, went insane, or is trying to get banned? Cause that is a hell of a meltdown
  17. -Vyse-

    Kobe Bryant - Dead in helicopter crash

    I dont even know who the other 3 are. They wont say
  18. -Vyse-

    Kobe Bryant - Dead in helicopter crash

    Never really liked Kobe but sad to hear him and his daughter died
  19. -Vyse-

    #2A rally/lobby/counter-protest in VA on 1/20

    digby is a bartender? lololol
  20. i would love to see him retired. hate that smug son of a . GO BRONCOS!
  21. -Vyse-

    #2A rally/lobby/counter-protest in VA on 1/20

    uh no. ive been a member for a while and have posted occasionally. mostly on the actual football forum.
  22. -Vyse-

    Antonio Brown Alienates His Own Agent

    At this point you would have to be insane to hire antonio