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Everything posted by -Vyse-

  1. -Vyse-

    YouTube needs to be sued

    Every thread I’ve opened and read through the past 30 minutes he’s always in it arguing with somebody over the dumbest stuff. What makes it worse is it’s extremely obvious he’s wrong but he doubles down.
  2. -Vyse-

    YouTube needs to be sued

    Seriously how many people is he currently arguing with right? 11? 12?
  3. -Vyse-

    YouTube needs to be sued

    Sorry dood but you’re looking even more dumb
  4. -Vyse-

    YouTube needs to be sued

    I don’t even know what you’re talking about but I don’t care. I’m not here to argue but it sure seems you are. There isn’t a single person here that seems to have any respect for you and for obvious reasons
  5. -Vyse-

    YouTube needs to be sued

    Only one looking like that is you. I’m positive majority of people here feel the same way I do as is evidence of posts I’ve read today
  6. -Vyse-

    YouTube needs to be sued

    Sorry but I’m not. You can keep on saying it. Doesn’t make it true. I bet you think everyone here is digby don’t you? ROFLMAO
  7. -Vyse-

    Credit Scores

    Mine is awful. 550. My ex and me had an apartment in Denver years ago. She cheated. We broke up. I moved out. She made sure to destroy the place and not pay it so it affected my credit.
  8. -Vyse-

    YouTube needs to be sued

    Here’s just one example. There’s tons more. Now the best advice I can give you is to just stop posting and lay low for a few days because you have been on a roll of getting owned today https://www.pbs.org/newshour/amp/politics/youtube-suspends-rand-paul-after-misleading-video-on-masks
  9. -Vyse-

    YouTube needs to be sued

    Here you go again. Lying in a random thread I open and trying to start stuff. Even I know YouTube was banning people for this. Well established streamers lost revenue because YouTube banned them.
  10. -Vyse-

    Favorite Hummus brand and flavor

    That’s my go to humus.
  11. I can understand where they are coming from. Parents can be complete ass holes, especially ones that are political. But the fact that they took out an ad for this? Not only does it scream “I’m lying and I want all of you to be upset that someone is challenging my authority” but it also makes them look even more ridiculous because they spent actual money on this. Schools and teachers are supposedly broke, can’t afford school supplies, and keep using outdated technology. Yet they can afford what is essentially a political ad? Yea somebody there needs to be not only investigated, but also fired
  12. Rick and Morty. Love blazing up and watching it. They have a spin off of the vindicators on YouTube that’s hilarious as well
  13. -Vyse-

    I'm sure no one here cares but ...

    I’m sorry to hear that man. Hope everything is ok
  14. I don’t see this going over very well
  15. -Vyse-

    Trump's residence raided by the FBI

    Who cares who owns it. There’s some hilarious stuff on that app as well as some hot girls including porn stars. I use Snapchat as well. I’m not a dork that doesn’t use social media.
  16. -Vyse-

    Trump's residence raided by the FBI

    I’m a 27 year old guy and I use tiktok. So do all my friends and coworkers. Guys stationed in the military around here use it. Celebrities use it. What’s your problem with tiktok so much that you feel the need to say that you lose your manhood if you’re on it?
  17. -Vyse-

    Craftsman = Utilit99

    Does anybody really honestly care? Cause I really don’t
  18. -Vyse-

    New car prices

    Man I was looking to buy a new car a few months ago. Not only are the prices ridiculous but there’s hardly any cars, new or used, on the dealer lots. My car is holding up just fine and is paid off. I’ll keep driving it until it either falls apart or the car market gets better
  19. -Vyse-

    The spark grill

    Just seems like a grill to me
  20. -Vyse-

    Wisdom Toof

    Yea I’m not against having them pulled. But they haven’t ever given me any problems so I saw no reason to. Like you said, if they do in the future then I’ll have them removed
  21. -Vyse-

    Wisdom Toof

    Nope. I don’t have horse teeth. My braces made sure of that.
  22. -Vyse-

    Wisdom Toof

    I still have mine in. Luckily, they grew in right so I never had to have them pulled
  23. -Vyse-

    Moving time

    Good golfing there
  24. -Vyse-

    Brittney Griner held by the Russians

    Dood I want her to be innocent too. But this statement is just bonkers. Should’ve left this one in your drafts instead