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Everything posted by Beaker15

  1. Beaker15

    Jan 6, 2021

    I hope you can afford your physiatrist
  2. I am pleased to see the majority of intelligent Americans can see it was a sham.
  3. Truly sad how far America has fallen that we have so many Dozer type idiots.
  4. You can tell a lot about a father by his kids. His kids are so well spoken and intelligent impressive people.
  5. OMG you are so ignorant. You have to be shtick here or you truly are as stupid as people claim you to be.
  6. Can't wait until November when you cucks are crying on the floor like in 2016. You guys are celebrating this sham trial like it means anything. Must suck to know Biden is your pathetic nominee and is going to get trounced by Trump.
  7. And how exactly do you believe he is trying to be fair and impartial? Have you followed the trial at all?
  8. Beaker15

    When you flop trips and lose 550k

    There were not 2 10s on the board
  9. Beaker15

    Jan 6, 2021

    Truth hurts
  10. Shocked that Gutterboy can't understand this. Democrats are so stupid.
  11. Beaker15

    Uninformed people like Trump

    Always great to see Daulton continue to get owned in these threads. Thank you Jerry!
  12. Sounds like James Daulton. He takes the cake as #1 POS
  13. Beaker15

    JK Rowling.

    Good for her. We need to get these individuals help with their mental illness.
  14. Nailed it. Daulton is a partisan POS. Party before common sense! Anyone who tries yo defend Biden here is an assclown.
  15. The best part about this thread is Tim admitting he watches MSNBC and takes their opinions as facts.
  16. Beaker15

    What is your net worth?

    Sweet. I invented 5 minute Abs
  17. Yep. Another low income loser always looking for Government handouts so he/she votes Democrat every election. Sad
  18. If you leave we are one step closer to cleaning up this cesspool
  19. Beaker15

    Jan 6, 2021

    Yep. Dozer is an asshat celebrating the death of an unarmed woman.
  20. Beaker15

    Who here still supports Jan 6 attack?

    Every time I see your avator I know a stupid post will follow.
  21. Beaker15

    New Amazon Prime TV show - Fallout

    How exactly do they live 200 years and not age?
  22. Beaker15

    From the Heart of Trump Country

    You don't know me at all. I will be sad for our country if Biden is our President though.