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About Beaker15

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    FF Geek

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  1. Yeah she did fine.......lol. Most people my ass.
  2. I haven't heard any of it and you have been a proven liar. I don't take anything you say seriously.
  3. Yes, it makes a lot of logical sense that a "centrist" would side with the most progressive left ticket in the history of the United States.
  4. Beaker15

    RFK endorses Trump

    This is a load of crap lie. You have stated many times that Kamala will win. Stop lying.
  5. I would be shocked if Trump doesn't get at least 300 electoral votes like he did against Hillary in 2016.
  6. Beaker15

    The Democratic National Convention!!

    truth telling . So many lies told about Trump’s views and idiots like you believe it.
  7. Beaker15

    The Democratic National Convention!!

    How easily you lie about these things. Are you that much a puppet that you just believe these lies the Democrats were saying all week at the convention? Sad that so much of America is as uninformed as you as the media does not point our Kamala's lies.
  8. Beaker15

    The Democratic National Convention!!

    Barrack's gay ass would know, he has seen a lot of dicks
  9. Sure it did. How many bozos claim how many jobs were created under Biden? They fail to mention it was just folks returning to work after Covid. No chance Biden would have won if not for Covid.
  10. It absolutely favored Biden. Sorry you cannot see this.
  11. If there was no Covid Biden would not have won. Do you deny that?
  12. This is rich when we have Kamala pitching price controls and wanting to hike personal and corporate taxes and raise spending. Economics are not the strong suit of Democrats which is why the public trusts Republicans more than Democrats on the economy