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Everything posted by BiffTannen

  1. I was going to make a joke in the other thread about he and his ugly wife using one of the character names he portrayed in a movie, but none of them stick out. He's obviously been in a ton of movies, but I am not seeing a signature character that you think of when you think of Tommy Lee Jones. If I was pressed to give an answer I would have to say Doolittle "Mooney" Lynn in Coal Miner's Daughter, but I am sure I am in the minority in that.
  2. BiffTannen

    Why don't casinos have daycare?

    I will admit I’ve graced few prostitutes with my presence. My problem was I would always ask them to if they wanted to get some drinks and a few ripper magoos before we started the timer, because I prefer to be good and focked up. No hooker ever turns down free booze and cocaine even if it means clocking out for a couple hours. Sometimes I would get way too focked up and make some not so bright decisions. Most days I look down at my diick and I’m thankful I don’t have foot or something growing out of the side of it considering some of the ladies I threw it in.
  3. BiffTannen

    Why don't casinos have daycare?

    Do many people even drive to the casino and drive home? In Vegas anyways I would imagine 90% or more are there on a trip and will just be stumbling back up to the room with no driving involved until they go back to the airport.
  4. BiffTannen

    Why don't casinos have daycare?

    Depending on how old the kids are, I doubt parents want them going to school or to the grandparents house and innocently telling a story that starts with, "I was playing with these other kids while daddy was on a heater at the tables."
  5. BiffTannen

    Which geek is this?

    Better than a pit-bull on meth.
  6. I totally get this sentiment, but the elderly are still very high on my list of people I hate. I got behind some blue hair old biatch yesterday trying to parallel park. I bet she got 2 SS checks in the mail during the time it took her to wedge that focking Buick in there.
  7. BiffTannen

    Holey Moley: finally a sport for the GC

    That article is way too long to read. Give me the cliffies.
  8. BiffTannen

    Tommy Lee Jones wife

    The original will be back in 26 days.
  9. I have opened a many of his links and I differentiate being offended and wanting to throw up my lunch.
  10. BiffTannen

    Useless Sports Trivia

    Too skinny indeed. You need to face fock her with a couple cheeseburgers before you throw in her butt.
  11. As someone that has never been offended by anything I can't help but wonder what goes through the minds of people like this. Do they just wake up and look for things that will hurt their feelings? I hope they know they are the reason people like me strive to be as offensive and politically incorrect as possible. If they would quit being butthurt all the time the shock value of my racist jokes and remarks wouldn't hold as much weight and I would likely not do it as much.
  12. BiffTannen

    Useless Sports Trivia

    Let me think... has to be a RB - The Nigerian Nightmare was gone at this point I think - Okoye - no I have no clue
  13. BiffTannen

    Useless Sports Trivia

    I could google it but that would be a turd move. My other guesses would be Barry Sanders - seems like he had a badass year before he called it quits soon after Eddie George - time period seems right for a guess drawing a blank now
  14. BiffTannen

    Tommy Lee Jones wife

    He must have enough money to buy something prettier than that.
  15. BiffTannen

    Useless Sports Trivia

    Off the top of my head - Matt Williams, Terrell Davis, and not sure what NHL is.
  16. BiffTannen

    Pow Pow Power Wheels

    This young vixen managed to avoid a DUI arrest but was charged with public intoxication. I have heard of people getting DUIs on riding mowers and bicycles so not sure how this one was avoided. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2019/06/20/megan-holman-driving-toy-truck-drunk-arrested-south-carolina/1519018001/
  17. BiffTannen

    Useless Sports Trivia

    I realized my post was dumb after I hit submit and reread the OP.
  18. BiffTannen

    Useless Sports Trivia

    Jack Robinson had his number retired by 30 teams.
  19. BiffTannen

    World Cup

    I'm not saying she is perfect. She is definitely one of those gals you demand they wear makeup when in your presence and an air compressor to those teets would help her cause as well.
  20. BiffTannen

    World Cup

    I googled. Wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I'd still smash it.
  21. BiffTannen

    World Cup

    Fock yeah I'm being serious and want to see it
  22. BiffTannen

    World Cup

    Wait a second, are there pics/vids of Hope Solos nooners on the innernets that I am unaware of?
  23. BiffTannen

    Cincinnati Reds: 2020 Edition

  24. BiffTannen

    Cincinnati Reds: 2020 Edition

    Probably happened in 1990 too.