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BiffTannen last won the day on June 25 2020

BiffTannen had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

651 Excellent

About BiffTannen

  • Rank
    FF Geek
  • Birthday 11/27/1980

Profile Information

  • Location
    Hill Valley
  • Interests
    Sports wagering, 1946 Ford Super De Luxe Convertibles

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  1. BiffTannen

    O’Reily Auto parts got jokes

  2. BiffTannen

    Hero or not?

    You drop anything in the mail yet?
  3. BiffTannen

    ***Wagering thread***

    Homer pick disclaimer Dayton -1.5 St Joes is a tough team for the Flyers and it’s a road game.
  4. Fine, in 12 days bostonlager will also be casting a vote.
  5. Half the votes for seafoam are from alias accounts. The only 3 options here are Mike Schochet Ass Rot The pigeon loving homo that works at Arbys.
  6. BiffTannen

    ***Wagering thread***

    Keep posting. I will tail
  7. BiffTannen

    ***Wagering thread***

    How have you been doing on these?
  8. BiffTannen

    ***Wagering thread***

    Happy hour boost on DK - don’t know how long it lasts but Christian McCafferty o 30 rush yards in each half +120. I see SF winning this game and him carrying the ball a sh1t ton
  9. You can call me lager, I will be back in 13 days.
  10. I'm not a homo, its a treehouse for when this place goes down or when we get tired of the sh1t here. I will say this though, if ed ever makes his way to the Cincinnati area, I will bring 4 grams of blow, a shotgun, a bottle of Tanquery and show him the best godddammn time he's ever had at a titttty bar.
  11. I'm not talking about FBG. Some of us here have a private board that edjr created.
  12. I just posted over there - Ghost town. Reminds me o the DanZone days though.
  13. Yes and no. Rusty and gutterboy are a couple of left wing homos, but I get a long with both and have no problem talking music or BBQ with them. The immigrants came here and littered the forum with political talk. That is why I attempted to stomp it all out 3 months ago.