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Everything posted by Utilit99

  1. Did you see the first 5 words of what you replied to? Or do you just want to keep repeating the question for some unknown reason?
  2. Utilit99

    10 Times Socialism Actually Worked

    Sounds like a good idea for sure. When I went back to school to get a new career, I went the community college route to get the base classes out of the way then transferred the credits to a bigger school. I think more kids should do that instead of going to some college and not know what the hell they want to do. Heck, even if they know what they want to do get some of the easy stuff out of the way for free or for cheap.
  3. Utilit99

    Company virtue signaling list.

    I think I bought my last bat at a place called Modell's. Got a new one for our 16" softball league.
  4. I forgot to add @posty He's part of the girls club. Look at all the little girls obsessed. Grade school level stuff right here. So in your little pea brains.
  5. 24x7x365 talking about me. Christmas even.
  6. I think it was worse but not as bad as the riots of 2020. We do need a committees for all of 2020, 6/16/22 and 6/24/22 along with some prime time television and a room full of producers, writers, editors, and conservatives only to tell the stories. Thanks for asking.
  7. Utilit99

    Trump is absolutely right about Sweden

    Seems Trump is proven right for just about everything he said. Go figure you libs voted in a guy who said he was going to cure cancer, bring both sides of the aisle together, put in some green new deal that will have us all driving electric cars, shut down the chinese flu, unite the people, etc. You focking liberal idiots put this country in the state it is today. Inflation, gas prices through the roof, fentanyl running rampant through the streets, wide open border where over 3 million have flooded in not including the 800,000 got-aways and all the rest of the shlt that biden (you know the guy who made fun of Trump for walking slowly down a ramp, and then creepy joe himself falls on his face 3 times going up stairs and falls over on his bike standing still) has done in just a single year and a half. I hate liberals. Especially those that call themselves "centrists" and vote for this doucebag focking hitleresque president creepy pedo joe.
  8. Utilit99

    10 Times Socialism Actually Worked

    I agree with the healthcare. As long as the physicians and nurses are paid very well. Those are jobs that need to be financially supported to encourage people to want to do them. Education? Sure, maybe community college like you mentioned earlier I think. But the rest I don't care. I paid for my own schooling in college and I would be glad to do it again. But if something is free, the standards need to be held high for the students. If a student is getting C's and D's in all their classes, fock that. GPA needs to be 3.0+ or out with your ass or you are paying for it yourself.
  9. I guess some of them stupidly fixed them. Can you imagine living in that city in these times?
  10. Year To Date Shot & Killed: 286 Shot & Wounded: 1250 Total Shot: 1536 Total Homicides: 314
  11. What a focking idiot you are. Offhandedly throwing shlt out there. You should be sorry. For everything.
  12. OMG. vomit gutterdlck in another pissing match. Go figure.
  13. They were all hostages. It's damaging to our DEMOCRACY!!
  14. Utilit99

    The Alan Parsons Project

    Wow. Not bad at all.
  15. OOOHHhhh. They believe deeply in it. Oh then, taking hostages is ok. I mean, they believe DEEPLY and all.
  16. This one second clip makes me want to shlt on face. What a repugnant piece of crap.
  17. Utilit99

    Meanwhile in Chicago....

    ear To Date Shot & Killed: 286 Shot & Wounded: 1250 Total Shot: 1536 Total Homicides: 314
  18. Utilit99

    what's you're IQ?

    What's yours now that you gave a shlt website that charged you 2 bucks to give you an opportunity to get some more info. I'm going with the low teens.