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Everything posted by Utilit99

  1. obsessive. Following me around like he's mdcack.
  2. ok einstein. keep sticking up for abortion all you like. I didn't kill my kid and I'm ecstatic about it. Cut me down for that all you want.
  3. But I heard on this site that that was just some no nothing wood burning building where the capital INSURRECTION was a huge damaging occurrence against DEMOCRACY!!! And yet, the ones sitting in solitary confinement are the ones that did something stupid but hurt no one.
  4. Why is paying for kids to be aborted funny to you? Or are you crying. I don't understand that emoji. Lot's of tears.
  5. Utilit99

    Roe V Wade overturned!!! Leaked, SCOTUS SHOULD BE IMPEACHED

    I'm confused. Did he talk about it or not? And even if he didn't why do so many ashiests care? "Francis didn’t refer to the ruling or explicitly mention abortion" ... he has throughout his papacy about the need to defend families and to condemn a “culture of waste” that he believes is behind the societal acceptance of abortion.
  6. And for the OP @kozmiq, I'm glad you missed out on something like this because you were a weak, selfish wimp who couldn't take charge of the situation. You paid to kill kids because you are morally broke and did not have the ability to step up and take responsibility when most real men would.
  7. We already knew this. You are weak and see through.
  8. It's been going on for years. They don't care. In fact, they criticized me for posting those kind of highlights. Remember the 5 year old who when playing on a sidewalk got shot in the head by some black dude just walking past him? Point blank to the head. gutterfock and mooney and rusty all focking ignored that easily. And were screaming Trump!!! Mean tweet!!!
  9. Utilit99

    Roe V Wade overturned!!! Leaked, SCOTUS SHOULD BE IMPEACHED

    Focking brilliant statement.
  10. Utilit99

    Roe V Wade overturned!!! Leaked, SCOTUS SHOULD BE IMPEACHED

    Yes I would. And I have done that. You on the other hand are a wimp.
  11. They sealed them in a building and if they were to come out they would kill them. Call it whatever name you want libtard.
  12. I'm embarrassed that you are like minded in conservative values but are an idiot. Sad.
  13. So you are interpreting an article now as opposed to other input.
  14. Hey Utilit, you should charge for rent .... Posty has a crush on you, BAD!!!
  15. That makes no sense. Keep trying to seek help. Go love your pimpledoosh. Defend him to the end!! And I definitely love that he ""contributed" to the site . A bunch of "Trump !!!! " .
  16. Please seek help. You seem to have so many problems in life.
  17. I do. And they come over and visit because I don't have 50 cats and 2000 cat turds and 3 gallons of cat piss all over the floor.
  18. Hostage: a person seized or held as security for the fulfillment of a condition The situation escalated into a "hostage" situation as lawmakers were instructed not to exit the building, Republican Arizona State Senator Kelly Townsend said.
  19. Utilit99

    Roe V Wade overturned!!! Leaked, SCOTUS SHOULD BE IMPEACHED

    It really is awesome to watch the liberals melt.
  20. I had one "mishap". With a bipolar chick. At the time I didn't know what bipolar was. And was very confused about the girl I was dating. I didn't know why her moods were so up and down. After a while I realized the mother was bipolar and wouldn't seek help. Before me realizing that, contraception failed us. We parted out of necessity (my sanity) but we both took responsibility for the kid in a serious manner. Over time, putting the kid first, we worked to raise our daughter being apart, but in the same vicinity, and kept our differences aside from her upbringing. The mother eventually got help (some years ago) and we were able to start getting along, and my daughter is now in her mid twenties and is loving life running her own business. She is about as even keel and chill as a person can be. My daughter is a part of my life, and am excited to see her in KC in August since we now live in different cities now due to work. Fock am I glad we did not decide to kill her via abortion. Not that is was ever in question.