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Dizkneelande last won the day on January 14

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About Dizkneelande

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    FF Geek

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  1. Dizkneelande

    ***Official*** Kamala Harris for President thread

    More lies from you. She spent 2 years in the sf da office. Prior to that her only experience was Alameda County for 4 years prosecuting misdemeanors and dui cases. After sf da she went to the st city attorneys office which doesn’t prosecute felonies. So where is this 20 years of trial experience that doesn’t exist? You just make sh!t up.
  2. Dizkneelande

    The Kamala Cleanup - she was never the border czar??

    And if he was this hypothetical KKK member then he was a Democrat
  3. Dizkneelande

    The Kamala Cleanup - she was never the border czar??

    The whole basis of the claim was that he was arrested near a KKK rally in 1927. How did it happen if theres no record of it? This should be good.
  4. Dizkneelande

    The Kamala Cleanup - she was never the border czar??

    There’s no proof he was there ding dong there is no arrest record
  5. Dizkneelande

    The Kamala Cleanup - she was never the border czar??

    See you just make sh!t up but we have record of her father being a devout commie. You’re gonna trot out some bullsh!t USA Today fact check about an article from 1927 about his father getting arrested near a KKK rally. Among those arrested, the article identifies a man with the name and address of the home of Trump’s father in Jamaica, Queens. The article details the charges filed against six of the men. However, it does not identify any charges against the elder Trump and merely states that he “was discharged.” The article does not say Trump's father was a member or supporter of the KKK or whether he was a bystander, falsely accused or otherwise the victim of mistaken identity during the chaotic event.
  6. Dizkneelande

    The Kamala Cleanup - she was never the border czar??

    You should get to know. Don Harris, Kamala Harris' Communist Father Don was referred to glowingly by fellow Marxist Economics Professor John Gurley as “one of the leading young people in Marxist economics.” I think you two would have a lot in common.
  7. Dizkneelande

    The Kamala Cleanup - she was never the border czar??

    We’re the fascists HT
  8. Dizkneelande

    The Kamala Cleanup - she was never the border czar??

    We’re getting 3 months of this -
  9. Dizkneelande

    The Kamala Cleanup - she was never the border czar??

    How many days away are we from the corrupted leftist media declaring she was never VP during the disastrous Biden administration?
  10. Dizkneelande

    ***Official*** Kamala Harris for President thread

    You can gain insight into his opinions by following Keith Olberman on Twitter if you think you’ll miss them.
  11. Dizkneelande

    ***Official*** Kamala Harris for President thread

    I’ve probably replied to you less than 100 times in 20 years on both boards and 60-70% were rebuttals to your replies. You won’t be missed.
  12. Dizkneelande

    ***Official*** Kamala Harris for President thread

    No alias allowed
  13. Dizkneelande

    ***Official*** Kamala Harris for President thread

    Trumps background is already baked into the pie. She loses you leave here for good, deal?
  14. Dizkneelande

    ***Official*** Kamala Harris for President thread

    Lefties can try but they can’t memory hole any of the facts. This is a must watch. Let’s see the schills try to debunk any of this.
  15. Dizkneelande

    ***Official*** Kamala Harris for President thread

    Most of the public hasn’t been exposed to her? She’s been the VP for the past 4 years. Go ahead and try to portray her as a fresh face. That will work . There is zero evidence she has any popular support. Zero. She couldn’t muster a single delegate in 2020. In 88 Dukakis had a 17 point lead over HW in July! What happened? He was exposed as the true radical he was and lost. Also, there isnt a single far left cause she hasnt embraced and will be even further viewed as an out of touch California leftist once your honeymoon is over.