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Everything posted by BeenHereBefore

  1. BeenHereBefore


    You don't want the spicy meatball ?
  2. BeenHereBefore

    ***The 150th Running of the Kentucky Derby***

    Day Drinker are you getting in on this one ?
  3. BeenHereBefore

    ***The 150th Running of the Kentucky Derby***

    Belmont, I took #3 Mystic Dan to win and place. Also took him in a box excta with #9 Sierra Leone the fav.
  4. BeenHereBefore

    Jerky Boys

  5. BeenHereBefore

    Jerky Boys

    Are they still jerking at their age now ?
  6. We have tons of fatties in PA. that take all the handicap spaces cause their disabled cause of their fatness. They also leave the shopping carts near the handicap spaces when they leave.
  7. Agreed and kinda like the car door test in The Bronx Tale. If you open the door for your date and she doesn't in turn unlock your door before you get in, drop the selfish b!tch!
  8. BeenHereBefore

    Didja know that if you shave a Tiger

    Those commercials want you to save a tiger, not shave one.
  9. BeenHereBefore

    Is Caitlyn Clark gonna hurt the WNBA?

    I think the novelty will wear off and viewers will turn away at some point.
  10. BeenHereBefore

    ***Wagering thread***

    I hit a $1.20 for $163.30 boxed trifecta last night at a Canadian track, 30-1 horse won the race that I had in my boxed trifecta, Anyhow for tonight I did a 3 leg no sweat parlay on FD Doncic O 31.5 Tatum O 27.5 PJ Washington O 11.5
  11. BeenHereBefore

    The Fonz talks some sense into George McFly

    Which was also on Happy Days in the later years after The Fonz jumped the shark of course.
  12. BeenHereBefore

    No #5 seed has ever won an NBA championship

    Luka going to carry them through ?
  13. BeenHereBefore

    Tyson vs Paul

    Wasn't he just in a car wreck?
  14. BeenHereBefore

    RIP Larry Allen

    That extra weight is hard on the heart and specially the older you get would be my guess.
  15. BeenHereBefore

    NFL Free Agency/ Draft 2024

    Yea he seemed to lack heart for the game.
  16. BeenHereBefore

    NFL Free Agency/ Draft 2024

    He seemed like a very talented player that just couldn't get it together, You seen glimpse of what he could have been here and there,
  17. BeenHereBefore

    NFL Free Agency/ Draft 2024

    I'm more of pay the QB that kinda money type guy all though Jefferson is a elite talent.
  18. BeenHereBefore

    NFL Free Agency/ Draft 2024

    They was close to making the playoffs last year even with Cousins hurt and the coach messed that up. They looked like a one in done had they made it, so yea guess they still have a way to go.
  19. BeenHereBefore


    Horrible but thought the post would be about the TV ones and no not trans. Some of the ones on TV are pretty bad and money grabers.
  20. BeenHereBefore

    NFL Free Agency/ Draft 2024

    Which would help Minn win now Jefferson or Cousins ? We now know the route they took.
  21. For me now it's Issue N0.1, Ladies what perfume do you wear? Ps. I heard the ladies love the Gravite on men.
  22. BeenHereBefore

    Best All Time B Rate Horror Movie ?

    Another tough one but going Elm Street.
  23. BeenHereBefore

    Best All Time B Rate Horror Movie ?

    Yes revenge horror but yes.
  24. BeenHereBefore

    Best All Time B Rate Horror Movie ?

    Forgot Return and that is a good choice as well.Saw it at the theater when it came out