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Everything posted by shadrap

  1. shadrap

    The Kamala Cleanup - she was never the border czar??

    Well, they didn't want the border fixed until 10 months before the election. Kam doing nothing was her marching orders. Now if they would just OWN it.
  2. shadrap

    The state of the Presidential race: who is the favorite now?

    yea, I'm pretty sure climate changed so much from Trump to Biden that Joe decided to open up the border to the tune of 10 million immigrants. climate change? idiotic to the point of trolling. just stupid.
  3. yep, no one was praising Kamala over the last 3 years. No one. she was an embarrassment they tried to keep under the radar with a few school appearances and the like. Now she is Abe Lincoln in a pantsuit. Greatest mind, grace & stature out there. The main stream media are nothing but whores peddling their opinions as fact. Such nonsense and the left is eating it up for Kamala regardless of what they have seen & known of her the last 3 1/2 years.
  4. shadrap

    The state of the Presidential race: who is the favorite now?

    Kamala was/is border czar for almost 4 years. complete fail, or if you are a Dem complete success because of future votes. Damn the country, we want votes!
  5. shadrap

    Time to pay up Timmy!!! $3,200 to Geeks

    My $500 is going to charity thru Timmy. no accolades necessary.
  6. shadrap

    Time to pay up Timmy!!! $3,200 to Geeks

    I have $500 coming. Will PM you in the next few days.
  7. shadrap

    The state of the Presidential race: who is the favorite now?

    when the main reason you open up the border for 10 million illegals is for votes, that is not in the best interest of America.
  8. shadrap

    The state of the Presidential race: who is the favorite now?

    I'm a conservative, know plenty more & that is not how we perceive it. Trump movement is putting America first. That is not racist however you try to paint it. Liberals get in a jam & always pull the race card. been this way since Obama was elected since it was an easy, peasy comeback for Dems rather than argue the point. Criticize an Obama policy=RACISM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. shadrap

    So a person tried to assassinate Trump

    he's going to funeral.
  10. shadrap

    So a person tried to assassinate Trump

    this has all the markings of an inside job. head of S. service says consideration has to be taken regarding rooftops in the safety of agents somehow excusing why nobody was guarding the roof. Of course this is true but in this case it is complete bull. Pitch of the roof the shooter is on is about a 2/12, which is as close to flat as can be. Also ANY reasonable person looking at the surroundings will conclude the shooters roof is the most likely place for an assassination. 130 yards away! disturbing in all ways.
  11. shadrap

    The state of the Presidential race: who is the favorite now?

    so anyone think Biden does another debate? doubtful.
  12. shadrap

    So a person tried to assassinate Trump

    Mr. Rachael Maddow claims Trump will send her to a camp if elected.
  13. shadrap

    So a person tried to assassinate Trump

    something about how rhetoric can be dangerous. both sides have reined it in a little, but in 10 days it will once again be full steam ahead. cheers.
  14. shadrap

    JD Vance

    yes, big time.
  15. shadrap

    So a person tried to assassinate Trump

    yep, and rather than act like an adult you smashed that report button on "HT and several other folks". FBG loser that succeeded in closing down FBG now is trying to do it here. start mashing the report button again or get on the phone and try to contact the owner. it's what you do best. insecure wanabee that get's his poor feelings hurt. grow a pair & leave the adults alone.
  16. shadrap

    So a person tried to assassinate Trump

    damn good questions & observations on the attempted assassination: The Best Piece So Far on the Trump Assassination Attempt (richardcyoung.com)
  17. shadrap

    So a person tried to assassinate Trump

    Yes, although from 130 yards even with a 22 caliber rifle with open sights (no scope) it is an easy shot. A handgun from that distance would be a very hard shot.
  18. shadrap

    Best Weather App?

    This. Lots of info, not just temp., wind, & precipitation.
  19. shadrap

    The state of the Presidential race: who is the favorite now?

    well then, I guess we can consider the matter closed.
  20. shadrap

    The state of the Presidential race: who is the favorite now?

    Fair, honest, hard hitting, nonbiased, just the facts, news service. [gagging]
  21. shadrap

    The state of the Presidential race: who is the favorite now?

    He read his notes out loud from his house. Quite the interview.
  22. shadrap

    [** Official President Joe Biden Thread **]

    I see no way Biden stays in the race. we were lied to by the white house & most of the press for over 2 years. Without a teleprompter & written notes basement Biden is without clothes. I don't think it a coincidence that Putin & Hamas invaded during Biden's term.
  23. shadrap

    Kamala Harris worst polling numbers for any VP... EVER

    regrettably you are correct. Kamala trying to show how smart she is: (20+) Video | Facebook
  24. shadrap

    Report - Will Biden not seek reelection

    In the correct setting & reading off a teleprompter Biden is okay. the impromptu engagements over the last few years have shown Biden's failings. this is what most of us saw & correctly pointed it out. most on the left preferred to ignore these failings, with the media lockstep in ignoring, or rather they deliberately lied. I have no idea if you saw Biden's decline & commented on it or not these past few years. It appears you now see he is incapable of serving as president?