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League Champion

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League Champion last won the day on October 20 2024

League Champion had the most liked content!

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1,790 Excellent

About League Champion

  • Rank
    FF Geek

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  1. League Champion

    Bad day for FBI/DOJ scumbags.

    Trump is going to go scorched Earth on everyone who did him wrong. Can you blame him? Get your popcorn ready!
  2. League Champion

    Kamala’s Concession Speech

    Hilarious but pretty accurate
  3. League Champion

    FEMA aid workers skipped houses with Trump signs

    Great work Sir! This is why we WIN!!! THEY JUST DON'T UNDERSTAND.
  4. League Champion

    Trump talk only- no Eagles talk allowed (Steelers talk is OK though)

    George Clooney is getting murdered by both Libs and Republicans It's better than great.
  5. League Champion

    Japanese issue warning of vaccinated

    It's amazing, they still don't get it
  6. It was only a matter of time
  7. League Champion

    White Dude For Harris Melts Down at Austin City Council Meeting

    WTF is wrong with these Pedocrats? They're all Mentally ill.
  8. League Champion

    Discussion of Concerns for Trump Presidency

    Jesus Christ, how many abortions are you people having? Grandma can't get insulin but your worried about abortions?
  9. League Champion

    The democrats did plan a more open race

    They absolutely rejected her, just like last time she ran for President and got less than 1 percent of the vote. She's retarded
  10. League Champion

    Where's BOYO?

    Or he broke them off in a Popper Fueled Gay Orgy accident.
  11. League Champion

    Discussion of Concerns for Trump Presidency

    I'm afraid that Trump is going to remove Tampons from the Men's bathrooms
  12. League Champion

    FEMA aid workers skipped houses with Trump signs

    Working for FEMA is equivalent to being a crossing guard.
  13. League Champion

    Where's BOYO?

    I know you're reading these posts BOYO. Just come take your beating like a Man and be done with it. You can't have it both ways Son.