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Stryker Ryker

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About Stryker Ryker

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    FF Geek

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  1. Stryker Ryker

    Trump assassination attempt conspiracy

    The literal best shooter in the world could be the one shooting & id still say hell no to that kind of plan. One false move or slight breeze can result in my death. No thanks
  2. Stryker Ryker

    Trump assassination attempt conspiracy

    They’ve been doing it since yesterday. Literally had “one job” , “how do you miss” , and “they missed” where trending on Twitter
  3. Stryker Ryker

    So a person tried to assassinate Trump

    You leftist are so far left you can’t even shoot right
  4. Stryker Ryker

    So a person tried to assassinate Trump

    Ran away again You’re making my morning entertaining but my son just woke up. So I’m gonna have to let you spend your entire day & night on here crying cause they missed trumps head & trying to defend the shooter No wonder noone likes the Retard Squad. But good luck. Unlike you, I actually have a wife, a child, a job, a house I own, paid off vehicle, new dream car for my wife, & in the process of buying a new home in a the 3rd best place to live in the US while also simultaneously buying a lake front property less than an hour away from the city at one of the biggest, nicest lakes in the state Have fun spending all your days on here. I’m out here living life & enjoying myself while you’re chronically online in mommy’s basement fighting with ppl online
  5. Stryker Ryker

    So a person tried to assassinate Trump

    You never asked & ran away Which ones you want? I’ll be MORE than glad to provide the videos if Dems literally saying they’re gonna run as Republicans so they can vote against them
  6. Stryker Ryker

    So a person tried to assassinate Trump

    Are you THIS dumb? I don’t even have to do anything. You’re doing it all for me showing urself going batsh1t insane TILT
  7. Stryker Ryker

    So a person tried to assassinate Trump

    Deflection at its finest
  8. Stryker Ryker

    So a person tried to assassinate Trump

    “However, when he was 17 he made a $15 donation to ActBlue, a political action committee that raises money for left-leaning and Democratic politicians, according to a 2021 Federal Election Commission filing.” https://www.aljazeera.com/amp/news/2024/7/14/what-we-know-about-thomas-matthew-crooks-the-suspected-trump-rally-shooter You were lying about what again? I’m sorry it’s early & I’m still having my coffee
  9. Stryker Ryker

    So a person tried to assassinate Trump

    Been proven he’s not & donated to Dems just stop. Your pathetic attempt to justify it makes you look like even more of a loser
  10. Stryker Ryker

    So a person tried to assassinate Trump

    Full blown tilt
  11. Stryker Ryker

    So a person tried to assassinate Trump

    That’s cause democrats have literally said they’re going to “switch sides” so they can mess up the conservatives. Literally have even politicians on camera saying to do this & a Dem running as a republican so they can vote Dem. Entire side is despicable
  12. Stryker Ryker

    So a person tried to assassinate Trump

    2 minutes apart again. WOW what a coincidence
  13. Stryker Ryker

    So a person tried to assassinate Trump

    According to Hack, they have enough money to buy more guns & ammunition than hard working average Americans
  14. Stryker Ryker

    Richard Simmons be dead.

    RIP Richard Simmons. Used to love watching his videos. Even saw him at some convention one time. Dude straight up flirted with my dad & gave him a wink Extremely nice guy though