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BeachGuy23 last won the day on May 19

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642 Excellent

About BeachGuy23

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    FF Geek

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  1. I’ll keep you on the line a little longer troll. So these non nuclear ballistic missiles, China sends them to destroy Taiwans infrastructure right? Because Taiwan is super valuable without its infrastructure. Do you moron lemmings ever think anything through?
  2. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA What a pathetic little, stupid cultist troll you are. Par for the course with you hillbilly morons.
  3. China gonna NUKE Taiwan!!!! Freaking nitwit. Taiwan is 100 miles from China, they’d be nuking themselves moron. SMH
  4. Trump left the public eye you racist moron? Those of us who’ve grown weary of his constant crying and lying are shocked to hear this. Who’d a thunk racist, moron holocaust denier would also be stupid AF. LOL at you
  5. Dang that guy who recognizes that innovation is driven by liberal minds is bigly on point. Smart guy he is. WTF he is slumming in this alt right, meaningless cesspool is beyond me.
  6. “Hey guise, what if spacemen come down and threaten to blow up the US unless Trump is named dictator?” god you cultist are idiots…SMH
  7. Sure do. That 6% unemployment and negative GDP his last year were awesome. Oh wait, he also reduced unemployment bigly less than Obama the Great and had 3 years of pretty crap GDP despite massive increases to the debt. All the while bungling Covid so bigly the US had a top 10 worst deaths per capita. Can’t wait for more of that awesomeness… Cultist…SMH
  8. Sure businesses never lay off or close unless the economy sucks, right dummy? Freaking cultist…SMH
  9. LMFAO a layoff of 2.9% of people reflects the economy now? LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL Dummy
  10. BeachGuy23

    The state of the Presidential race: who is the favorite now?

    Lies? Boyo just listen to him talk. He lies and rambles on about nonsense every single time. But Biden’s dementia overshadows that. No more Biden puts the spotlight squarely on all of Trump’s mental issues. But the dems have to dump Biden first.
  11. BeachGuy23

    The state of the Presidential race: who is the favorite now?

    By all means have at it boyo. When you’ve got a demented, ancient moron like Trump as the opponent highlighting this makes 100% good political sense.
  12. BeachGuy23

    The state of the Presidential race: who is the favorite now?

    Worked out quite well in 2020 boyo. Well that plus stealing the election…LMFAO
  13. BeachGuy23

    The state of the Presidential race: who is the favorite now?

    Why attack Trumps policies other than to ban abortion? When it’s so much easier to point out how old he is, how old he’ll be in 4 years, and what an unhinged moron he is who in the absence of Biden is clearly showing his age.