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Posts posted by WoodDuck2003

  1. That's what it looks like lol


    I'm big on 85 this year, but in a keeper league he loses some value. The only thing I'd say is try to package Boldin and Parker for a stud RB or WR. Boldin's value will never be higher, and is either leaving town or losing Warner certainly after next year, and is severely injury prone. Parker too, while not great value, will turn 30 soon and Pittsburgh has already stated that they plan on replacing him with Mendanhall after his contract runs out this year. If you can package those 2 for a Steve Smith, Greg Jennings, Chris Johnson, S. Slaton, F. Gore type player, i'd pull the trigger in a heart beat


    yes that is why I originally made the trade for Ochocinco. I thought I could package him with Parker or keep him and package Boldin with Parker for a top RB. I am in the process of offering several trades as we speak.


    All good input and I appreciat all of it.

  2. Well as far as my keepers I feel like in a non ppr they are much better:


    Brees-his value will never be higher and I actually feel like he and Manning are a push.

    R.Bush to Turner was a certain upgrade.

    I am really big on P.Thomas this year and the fact they did not draft a RB is great news.

    I went from having Calvin Johnson and Andre Johnson to Calvin Johnson/M.Colston/A.Boldin


    I have also just accepted a trade that landed me Ocho Cinco. I gave Hester/4.03 for Ocho Cinco/5.02. I really don't think there is a ton of talent difference in those two picks but Ocho Cinco is a great buy low guy.


    Now I am thinking my keepers might be:





    Calvin Johnson



    Ocho Cinco


    Then use my 1.03/2.02 to grab RBs(I bet Willie Parker is available at the 1.03) and then take the best RB available at the 2.02.


    We are moving to 10 keepers at the end of the season and having 4 top 15 dynasty WRs seems too good to pass up even in a non-ppr league. I mean worst case Ocho Cinco is used as my flex player...that isn't so bad.


    What are the thoughts on that?


    Seems like top 15 dynasty WRs are harder to come by than top 15 dynasty RBs, not to mention they do not change as much. I am thinking that as a general rule in our format and keeping 10 players each year I need to target keeping 1QB/4RBs/4WRs/1TE. By keeping these WRs this season I can turn my focus to landing a solid TE in this years draft and via draft, trade or ww find two more keeper quality RBs.

  3. Ok I know it is not "help board" but in the off season the help board is very empty. Any geeks out there want to weigh in. I am all about improving my situation and thinking outside the box to get better. I thought about packaging Boldin for Edwards and draft picks or maybe packaging Parker/Boldin for an upgrade on some buy low guys.

  4. Ten team keeper league, standard scoring, no ppr and all TDs 6. We keep 7 players and we start 1QB, 2RB, 3WR, 1TE, 1Flex(RB/WR/TE), 1K. Here were keepers and draft picks following the end of the season:




















    After a few trades here are my keepers and draft picks:






    Calvin Johnson
















    I feel like my keepers are much better and I have more and better draft picks.

    Is it now time to sit back and get ready for the draft or are there still some moves I could make?

  5. Well I made the trade and here is why.


    In this league having a top QB is huge and Rivers is a top 5 dynasty QB in my opinion. Big Ben is a top 10 but a long way from putting up consistant #s like Rivers. Bush is good but I think he will always be an injury concern. I know everyone is saying Addai will loose the job but everyone said the same thing about DWill and Parker last season. I think they bring along Brown slowly and Addai keeps the job for one more year. I am also in the process of trading for Brown.


    Bottom line I think my gain going from Big Ben to Rivers far out weighs the loss, if any going from Bush to Addai. Not to mention Rivers could very well be a top producer for many more years where Bush and Addai prob have a 2-3 year max shelf life.


    I enjoyed reading the input and thanks for all the insight.

  6. He came back with Slaton/1.04 for Turner 2.06 and 4.03. I must say I am not crazy about trading Turner. I think I have a solid core with P.Manning at QB then Turner/Mendenhall and FWP/P.Thomas.

  7. Since it is the off season I figured it would be ok to post this here. 10 team keeper league, no ppr, all TDs 6pts. We start 1QB/2RB/3WR/1TE/1Flex(RB,WR,TE)/1K. We can keep 7 players and a taxi squad player. A taxi squad player is a rookie from the previous season that did not start a single game. Next season we are moving to 10 keepers and no taxi squad player. Below is my current team/draft picks:









    Calvin Johnson


    Taxi Squad Player



    Draft Picks













    I have been offered S.Slaton(which is a taxi squad player)/1.04/5.04 for M.Turner/1.09/6.02/10.02. If I accpet the trade I would be allowed to keep one more player since S.Slaton would be my taxi squad player. My next best player would be L.Evans. Or I could try to package L.Evans and the 1.04 pick to get a RB or a top tier WR.

  8. In a non-ppr flex league where you can only keep 3 you can't afford to keep a WR in my opinion unless you don't have better options. You have one of the best QBs in the league even if it is only 4pts/TD he has to be kept. Then MJD is a must. So it is down to Gore or Slaton. I really like Gore but he is an injury risk and on worse offense. If it were me I would role the dice on Slaton but I could make an argument for Gore easily.


    In oreder:






    Good luck and great core to start the year.

  9. I believe it is fairly easy for the top 4. I have them in order of importance:




    Portis or K.Smith




    1. I would personally lean toward Portis over K.Smith. Portis is a bit older but a proven player. K.Smith has a rookie QB, a suspect Oline and on a DET team that will be behind most games thus having to get away from the running game.


    2. I kept Whitten over Bowe since it is a TE required league and you have the #1/#2 TE in the league. I also think Whitten will put up similar numbers to Bowe. Bowe is a guy you could get back in the draft where Whitten will go fast.


    3. I would certainly try to trade players and move up in the draft. K.Smith has a ton of value right now and might actually get you a high first round pick.


    Whatever you do Rivers/MJD/Portis/Colston/Whitten is as solid of 5 keepers as any in your league.


    Good Luck

  10. If you paid $130 for it last year, I dont see why you would not pay $150 - 10 team league it's $2 more per person so about $15 per person.


    Live Scoring feature on Yahoo for each user is what $10 per team.

    Plus you save $20 or so getting a free draft board (which we actually use)


    We'll probably do it, I'm not happy about the hike either but they are trying to make money here. They also gave me a free baseball league this year...yeah they sucked me in.


    You must work for CBS Sportsline, what a joke. The price is way out of line not to mention poor ethics on their discount program. MFL is a far better site and only cost $69. I had 5 leagues on CBS going into the 2007-2008 season and I will move my final league from CBS this season. See ya later CBS.


    I would advise all redraft leagues to use yahoo and all keeper/dynasty leagues to use MFL or rtsports (Real Time Fantsay Sports). Both of these sites are half the cost of CBS sports and I have never had a problem logging on and there features for keeper/dynasty are far superior.

  11. Any chance you could package a couple of your players for an upgrade? Say a two for one deal? Say Addai/TO or Addai/Moss for AP? Then you could keep AJ/AP then draft the best player available with the first pick.


    If no trades then keep AJ/Moss draft the best RB available at #1 then on the way back grab a QB and your #2 RB. That would give you a very solid core to take some chances in the middle rounds.


    I think the trading option would be a great way to upgrade your RB position.


    Good luck.

  12. Good stuff jg. I agree. Here is how I see it:


    The three no RBs I will keep:


    D.Brees(QB NO)

    A.Johnson(WR HOU)

    Calvin Johnson(WR DET)


    Now I need 4 of the following and this is how I currently have them ranked as far as keeper value:


    #1 R.Bush

    #2 R.Mendenhall

    #3 P.Thomas

    #4 K.Smith

    #5 FWP


    So unless I can package 2 for 1 to upgrade looks like FWP will go back into the draft and there is a chance that I could actually draft him back since my pick in 1.09.

  13. Hey MT thanks for catching the error. I am suprised that in a league that has a flex position and non-ppr that you would keep Evans over P.Thomas and R.Mendenhall?


    If I had to decide today I would be keeping:









  14. 12 team keeper league. All TDs 6pts, no ppr and 1pt/rush and rec yds. We start 1QB, 2RB, 3WR, 1Flex(RB/WR/TE), 1TE, 1K. Below are my current potential keepers.




    K.Smith (RB DET)

    P.Thomas (RB NO)

    W.Parker (RB PIT)

    R.Mendenhall (RB PIT)

    E.James (RB AZ)

    A.Johnson (WR HOU)

    Calvin Johnson



    I have put my "no brainers" in bold, or at least I think they are no brainers. Let me know who my 7 keepers should be and I will answer your post.

  15. I think you have it right. Not crazy about Bush or Slaton's matchup but I beleive it is better than anything you have on the bench. I think Big Ben needs to be on the bench this week if you have any other options as well. Like I said, I think you have your best lineup active for this week good luck.
