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About highlight66

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  1. highlight66

    Will Kanye West please just die?

    Your classic N*****...The worst thing is is it's not surprising and he or any other negro will not apoligize for it either
  2. highlight66

    Papi: It was supplaments

    If it was supplements,why don't these dinks get all the crap they use and have it tested so EVERYONE knows what not to use. I'm tired of the excuse "it must have been an OTC supplement". Well,which one?
  3. highlight66

    There's a cat being raped outside my window

    Is it that same black cat again?
  4. highlight66

    Bums And Healthcare

    I believe in helping our brothers and sisters if they truly need help and want to help themselves,but universal health care will further instill in these GD low-lifes the feeling of,"Why work? I have some money rolling in,I pretend i'm making an effort to support myself,drink,smoke and get high all day AND now get health care besides? What's not to like? Plus, people that legitimately sacrifice things because they have to pay for health care will now be getting crappy care and waiting for ever to see a specialist or surgeon because Joe Welfare is seeing that particular doctor to try to verify his fake back injury and hopefully get some medications to ease his excruciating pain...can't wait
  5. highlight66

    Gas up 30 cents over last month...

    Obama wants to stick his nose in everything else,why isn't he taking care of gas gouging?
  6. highlight66

    How come there's no "mixed race" day? Or week, or month?

    Here's another question...why when someone(such as Obama) are the product of a hedonistic black-white relationship do they ALWAYS say they're black? Does anyone know anyone who's mixed that says they're a honky?
  7. I can't cook worth a crap...but an easy way to cook bbq ribs is use the trusty crock pot if u have one. I usually go with a little over 4 pounds of boneless ribs and broil them till they're browned. Then put 'em in the crock pot on low with an 18-24 oz. bottle of your favorite sauce. I also throw some red onion in there just for the hell of it and leave them for 6 or 7 hours and they're falling apart.
  8. highlight66

    Michelle Obama "Kill Whitey" Video finally surfaces

    Maybe they should kill whitey...at least that one
  9. highlight66

    Why the hell are these guys getting federal funding?

    Check out Michelle Malkin.com in regards to this poor,unfortunate woman(Hanks) who supposedly was rousted from her home. There are clear facts and documentation on this crook displayed.
  10. highlight66

    CNN skirt can't get pen1s off her mind

    Not only ######...the story was headlined "nuts on northwest".....beautiful!
  11. highlight66

    Bush to give farewell speech

    Wow...you are a gigantic tool heavy...and I don't even like GW
  12. highlight66

    Inmate eats own eyeball

    Obvious manipulative behavior....write him a ticket and strap him down
  13. highlight66


    Can Buck and Aikman talk about ANYTHING else but the Dallas Cowboys?? I'm not a fan of either Dallas or Seattle,but c'mon...Are they broadcasting from the Cowboy sideline?
  14. highlight66

    my boyfriend's grandpa wants to make love with me ..

    Loose skin......old balls.....yeck!
  15. highlight66

    Kaman the German

    I think Chris Kaman realized there weren't any honkies gonna be playin' for the U.S.....where's the outrage? Sieg Heil!!!!