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Everything posted by sheadtoo

  1. sheadtoo

    *Official 2020 Election Thread*

    drove past a couple polling places on my way home in deleware and they were mobbed maybe 100 people wrapped all through the parking lot.
  2. My job is requiring weekly testing regardless. so my guess is about 80% is healthcare workers
  3. sheadtoo

    The Cabin on Netflix

    in the state that basically has beauty pageants as a national past time. if you don't like it don't watch easy as that.
  4. sheadtoo

    Mashed Taters

    Any mashed potato is ok in my belly....
  5. sheadtoo

    I have Cancer :/ -- still doing well

    It's not a computer they can program so he can speak jive
  6. sheadtoo

    flex help non ppr

    James White NE RB or Marvin Jones DET WR
  7. sheadtoo

    Goff or Ryan?-16 team league, input please.

    I'm counting on Ryan to have a better game. I like the match up more.
  8. sheadtoo

    Flex Help?

    wait...slayton or slater? i might take slayton then...
  9. sheadtoo

    Flex Help?

    yikes yours is as bad as mine... i think i take swift
  10. sheadtoo

    Flex- Singletary or Chark??

    I'm still rolling with Singletary one more week before i get scared.
  11. sheadtoo

    Brandin Cooks or Chase Edmonds?

    Ive got cooks going for me.....not sure edmonds can produce even with a half decent match up
  12. sheadtoo

    The Cabin on Netflix

    I laughed so hard at some of that i cried.
  13. sheadtoo

    Flex help Bench Drake?

    this....Cooks is in my lineup as well.
  14. sheadtoo

    TE for today: J Graham or H Hurst?

    I haven't trusted graham in like 4 years.
  15. sheadtoo

    : Mattison, Hunt, Connors, Robinson or Ridley

    I think i sit Conner, but that really is a toss up between him and hunt. I think i rank it 5,1,4...........2,3
  16. sheadtoo

    2- QB League- Start Jones or Burrow?

    I've been ride or die with Burrows.
  17. sheadtoo

    I have Cancer :/ -- still doing well

    I disappear for three years and you have to hit me with this.....damn it Jerry. I don't pray but I'm sure as hell hoping for the best. What i remember you are a class act and you are showing it every day keep up the fight.
  18. sheadtoo

    What i miss?

    I've been gone 3 years what i miss?
  19. sheadtoo

    What i miss?

    ittsy bitty
  20. sheadtoo

    What i miss?

    i was here for the big hamster wheel fail of.....well the 2000's I lurked for a while before i joind
  21. sheadtoo

    What i miss?

    i may or may not have been GF's ghost.....doubtful though
  22. sheadtoo

    What i miss?

    none of the above but the jokes haven't changed
  23. sheadtoo

    What i miss?

    forgot this was a place.....
  24. sheadtoo

    What i miss?

    wait what's the apprentice guy doing now!?