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About kiijo

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    FF Rookie

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  1. I think there's a lot more here than meets the eye. How much with the extra WR help the guy you're trading with? at 8-2 you should be a lock for the playoffs and all you should look at now is the schedules of these 2 QB's during your Playoff weeks. When are they? Who are they facing? Ben is an upgrade, but not if he has a bad matchup in the first couple rounds of the playoffs... See mine
  2. kiijo

    QB and RB help

    I'd go w/ Schaub over Kitna because NO has such a soft pass D + the things you mentioned RB's would be Maroney and Grant. Both teams could go up early and big and that usually means RB's do well (obviously NE this year has been the exception, so it is what it is...) Chatman has done well for himself as Ronnie did before him in that position, but it's tough to start ANY Dolphins at this point... See mine
  3. kiijo

    WR and QB help needed

    I'd stick with Peyton as your QB, you know he's going to put up at least a Decent yardage number, if not a fantastic one. Schaub coming off an injury is a bit of a risk. With your wideouts I'd go with Roy, Welker and Henry. Jennings is working with the worst QB of the bunch, but I don't think you can go wrong with those options... See mine
  4. kiijo

    C Portis or Selvin Young...Tough One

    This is a tough call. Both face tough Run D's and as a result I think you have to go with the hot hand and give the start to Portis, he's been a monster the last couple weeks. See mine
  5. kiijo

    Which WR do I keep

    I'd say it's between Walker and Hackett. I think it's going to depend on your playoff situation, if you're a playoff lock I'd hold onto Walker. Walker hasn't played since week 3, but should come back before too long (though he's been officially ruled out this week) and has a decent schedule weeks 14-16. Meanwhile Hackett has an excellent schedule leading into the playoff weeks and could help get over the hump if you're on the edge. This is also going to depend on how many starters you get at WR, cause w/ your other starters chances are you're not going to play either Walker or Hackett at this point unless you're starting 4-5 WR a week or something... Thanks for responding to mine
  6. kiijo

    WR Help!

    I'd go Driver, Mason Galloway of those options. Cotchery has a bad matchup w/ Pittsburgh, and even though Hackett went off last week I don't trust him... See mine
  7. Barber is splitting time but Bush isn't exactly breaking any records...
  8. kiijo

    Which WR to start?

    this is a no brainer... Chambers Please see mine
  9. kiijo

    Need help with RBs, pick 2

    Wait a minute here man, looking at your roster I can only think of 2 ways that you could have all those studs. A. You are in a league w/ a bunch of inexperienced FF rookies and you schooled them on draft day. or B. You're in a league that has 6-8 teams so the talent is not so spread out.
  10. kiijo

    2 WR questions...

    I'd go Moss for sure. The trade is tough...I really like Plax this season, I think he's going to tear it up despite the tough schedule. Stallworth is comparable simply because he's got a stud QB tossin him the ball. I like what bigpawcane said...Go with your gut. Please see mine
  11. I'd say team one in a nail biter... thanks for answering mine
  12. kiijo

    Need help with RBs, pick 2

    I'd go Tiki and Brown. I can't believe you have them both... thanks for answering mine
  13. kiijo

    Trade for Portis?

    You'll want to keep Rudi and Gore, that's your core right now. It would be nice if you could get Portis for Jones, but I doubt he'd take that deal. Nor would he take Lundy or Norwood. That leaves you with Taylor. His stock is high right now after a strong week one, but I doubt he'll do that every week. It depends on your opinion on how he'll do in future games and how healthy you think Porits will be. But if Portis stays healthy at the end of the season he'll blow Taylors numbers out of the water... Please see mine - Thanks
  14. kiijo

    TE: V. Davis or D. Clark

    Vernon Davis against StL or Dallas Clark against Hou Both great matchups - who's going to do better?
  15. kiijo

    Start Shockey or Winslow?

    I'd go with Shockey unless you hear definitively that he's not playing. the Giants offense is a powerful thing and he's a key component. Thanks for answering mine!