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Brown Eyed Girl

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Everything posted by Brown Eyed Girl

  1. Brown Eyed Girl

    Need advice re: jealous wife

    Without trust, your marriage is far from perfect. Hormones aside, if your wife has trust in you, she shouldn't be questioning whether or not you are being honest with her about this. IMO the only show of disrespect here is coming from your wife.
  2. Brown Eyed Girl

    So, an old boyfriend found me on MySpace

    So, what exactly did he teach you?
  3. Brown Eyed Girl

    Oil up to $108 a barrel

    $3.65/gal at the pump is the average in my town.
  4. Brown Eyed Girl

    So, an old boyfriend found me on MySpace

    Exactly. What would the whole point be to get together with an Ex after one or both have moved on and are married & happy with someone else? Get together to talk about old times over drinks? Introduce them to your spouse and then discuss old times while your spouse sits there and gets to hear about all the good times the two of you had together? I say it's better left in the past. Again, JMO.
  5. Brown Eyed Girl

    So, an old boyfriend found me on MySpace

    I don't know. I guess I don't really see the point in it. What does/would your husband think about getting together to meet him? Put yourself in your husband's shoes and consider things being the other way around. Would you want to meet an old girlfriend of his. Again, what would be the point? JMO
  6. Brown Eyed Girl

    What rules do you and your wife/SO have?

    There shouldn't really have to be any 'rules' - just consideration for eachother.
  7. Brown Eyed Girl

    What's on tap for the weekend?

    My weekend is wide open... no real plans here. So-Cal weather this weekend is looking to be in the low to mid 70's... If gas wasn't $3.69/gal, I might consider a nice drive. Possibly having drinks with the girls tomorrow night. Other than that.... What are your plans?
  8. Brown Eyed Girl

    What's on tap for the weekend?

    I don't think I said there was.
  9. Brown Eyed Girl

    What's on tap for the weekend?

    Sure, why not? A drive along the coast is nice.
  10. Brown Eyed Girl

    What's on tap for the weekend?

    2 of them, huh?
  11. Brown Eyed Girl

    A thread about songs about booze.

    She said, 'Well I think that you're headed for a whole lot of trouble... Yeah I think that you're headed for a whole lot of trouble... Hey yeeah, you know that you're headed for a whole lot of trouble... If you ... Take Your Whisky Home' Van Halen
  12. Brown Eyed Girl

    Need some geek advice

    Nice going.
  13. Brown Eyed Girl

    Need some geek advice

    Is this tonight?
  14. Brown Eyed Girl

    The following songs should NOT be played in a bar

    Even I concur and I am woman.
  15. Brown Eyed Girl

    Congrats to NewbieJr

    You did a good job, Newbie. A+ for Effort! Was cool just to see some posters from the past dropping by.
  16. Brown Eyed Girl

    What is your favorite song by Elton John?

    Crocodile Rock
  17. Brown Eyed Girl

    This is the jihad site for tomorrow; Oprah board

    kfc_4_me is cracking me up in the gas chamber thread.
  18. Brown Eyed Girl

    List your favorite candy bar as a kid

    My favorite was a toss-up between a Snickers Bar and the $100,000 bar. My worst was 3 Musketeers. Whatever that was in the middle was just nasty.
  19. Brown Eyed Girl

    a warm fockyou to you too

    PMS'ing this week, Addict?
  20. Brown Eyed Girl

    I have put the pressure on my wife for a....

    Lots of luck there, Cowboy.
  21. Brown Eyed Girl


    Well, FWIW... You should try to work on feeling good with you first. Like you said yourself... not everyone will like you or think you're beautiful or pretty, etc. You need to be good with that or you'll always be looking somewhere else for approval when the only approval you ever really need is your own. :endoflecture:
  22. Brown Eyed Girl

    Need some geek advice

    Your plan sounds really nice and I agree with the above poster.... She'll probably appreciate that you made such a nice effort to make the evening special. Enjoy! And Happy Anniversary!
  23. Brown Eyed Girl


    Of course not. But I still want to know her answer.