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D'ohmer Simpson

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Everything posted by D'ohmer Simpson

  1. D'ohmer Simpson

    Terrell Owens...........?

    Team doctors saw no injury, but TO "knows" his body. Mmm'kay, whatever. Little odd that he finally decided to practice when he realized Parcells wasn't kidding when he said, "No practice, no game". And his little biker stunt was a joke. Please.
  2. D'ohmer Simpson

    Bush & Rumsfeld & WWIII

    Link? Pics??
  3. D'ohmer Simpson

    Terrell Owens...........?

    I read an article that said pretty much the exact same thing. I think it was a SAS article, but I'm not sure. In any case, the writer said that Bledsoe just hasn't practiced enough with TO to get that chemistry down that QBs need with their WRs. Bledsoe never really looked at TO when he was in trouble mostly because he doesn't know if he can count on him. Maybe if TO didn't think he was to good to practice, and instead of dressing up in biker tights he actually got on the field things would be different. I believe the article also mentioned that Bledsoe and Parcells didn't really care for, or want Owens. They felt like they had enough weapons with Glenn and Witten.
  4. D'ohmer Simpson

    So What's Going On?

    Watching the game, drinkin' a Bud. WHASSSUPPPP?!?!?!
  5. D'ohmer Simpson

    Think eating 1 jalapeno burns the poo hole?

    Still though, 247 of them? That's nasty.
  6. I think I would have to stick my ass in the bowl so it was surrounded by water before I even attempted to go.
  7. D'ohmer Simpson

    If given the opportunity

    Yes, but I've heard that it sucks after a while. It's not so much that you can't get anything done, or that you're distracted, it's that it's really tough not to be around co-workers and talking face to face and just generally b.s.ing throughout the day. We had a guy who when they closed his office started to work from home. He couldn't take it. He had to find another job. It would only really work if you were a one or two man operation, or if you travel alot and don't really need a desk in an office somewhere. I think it's just to difficult if you're part of a larger company.
  8. D'ohmer Simpson

    Terrell Owens...........?

    Yeah, I like how this thread had degenerated into poeple claiming that the Dalls O-line sucked, Bledsoe sucked, Glenn sucked, T.O. sucked, Parcells and his huge man-boobs sucked, the Dallas secondary sucked and Dallas as a team generally sucked. There is a reason for that, and it's called the Philadelphia Eagles! Okay, I realize Dallas did make some boneheaded mistakes, but many here act as if there was no-one lined up opposite them and they self-destructed Because he had a defenders hand in his face and he was throwing off the back of his feet. Also incorrect at least with the T.O. throw. He was step for step with an Eagle defender and BDawk was closing in on the right side. Had the ball even been far enough it most likely would have been broken up with a crushing hit by BDawk, as it was, BDawk had to go up field by about 6 yards to make the pick. itisatipthatcunnilingus
  9. D'ohmer Simpson

    Anyone else frustrated that for the third week

    What exactly does our $100 quarterly dues go for anyway?
  10. D'ohmer Simpson


    If we've seen it, wouldn't it be Found?
  11. D'ohmer Simpson

    Terrell Owens...........?

    Maybe footballs cooter didn't think anyone had the text of the post game interview
  12. D'ohmer Simpson

    Weird Computer Problem...

    Perhaps it has something to do with your AutoComplete option. I know it's a long shot but how about clearing those out.
  13. D'ohmer Simpson

    Wow, I feel sorry for this guy in my league...

    That sucks. If he had spelled his own name right that's at least a point there. SAT humor
  14. D'ohmer Simpson

    Terrell Owens...........?

    Yeah, I thought that was pretty damning. From the Daily News
  15. D'ohmer Simpson

    Weird Computer Problem...

    Kind of sounds like MS Word's Auto-Correct feature, but you say it's online only
  16. D'ohmer Simpson

    Going to Lambeau on Sunday

    Be sure not to step in Madden's man goo. I've heard it's all over the place.
  17. D'ohmer Simpson

    Things I've done today

    I fail to see - Picked up replacement Keg - listed?
  18. D'ohmer Simpson

    Terrell Owens...........?

    I'm just throwing this out there, but perhaps he meant the other pass intended for Owens that got intercepted by Sheppard. But if he's referring to the interception by BDawk then you're right, TO had no chance of making a play because it was thrown pretty far behind him. BDawk, who had TO in his sights had the ball been close to him, actually had to run up field by about 6 yards or so.
  19. D'ohmer Simpson

    Terrell Owens...........?

    Strangely, it didn't seem that way, but you're right. He had 13 balls thrown his way. 1st Q - only one pass with only 53 seconds left was INT. 2nd Q - only one pass, INCOMPLETE 3rd Q - 2 passes, one for 9 yds, one INCOMPLETE 4th Q - 1 catch for 12 yds, 1 for 24 yds, 6 thrown INCOMPLETE and one INT
  20. D'ohmer Simpson

    Terrell Owens...........?

    Kind of the same situation with his 7-year contract when he signed with the Eagles, then wanted it redone the next year, claiming it wasn't enough.
  21. Not even. One packaged chicken breast (from the meat dept. at any store) is really like 2 portions, sometimes 3. People just don't realize how small an actual RDA "portion" is.
  22. D'ohmer Simpson

    Terrell Owens...........?

    Except that I don't think any of those players have had to be suspended and then kicked off a team for conduct detrimental Not exactly true. Owens was pretty well covered, and had Bledsoe been able to throw it even close to on target, BDawk (coming in from their right) probably would have broken it up anyway. Instead, he had to run up the field to pick it off.
  23. D'ohmer Simpson

    **Official Cowboys AT Eagles thread**

    Better luck next time. j/k
  24. D'ohmer Simpson

    Post your 5-0 or 4-1 Teams

    Philadelphia Eagles