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    Student dies after goal post pulled down in Morris

    I was once hanging onto the end of a goal post at Fsu with the crowd yanking on my legs to try to get it down...after 2 mins my alcohol soaked brain realized that if it worked I would probably get hurt...I let go and started to try to move away from the post but everyone else was going the other way and I got maybe 10 feet in a minute... When it came down it came down quick and hard and knocked over abunch of people. People picked it up and started parading around with it and I grabbed the end that came out of the ground as the crowd moved my hands slipped off and went over the spot where it had been welded to the ground and sliced my hand real good. Its really pretty focking stupid but I was a young dumbass

    macro help

    How do i get my macros signed? Just bought your program and need help! Also do you have a instruction .txt file????????