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RaiderHaters Revenge

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Everything posted by RaiderHaters Revenge

  1. RaiderHaters Revenge

    Fanball Users?

    yah i hear you unfortunately the lack of customization I have seen in other sites make fanball our only choice
  2. RaiderHaters Revenge

    Fanball Users?

    hmm still cant get in tried everything
  3. RaiderHaters Revenge

    Fanball Users?

    hmm even if i go there from favorites or type it in i cant get onto site, im stuck connecting
  4. RaiderHaters Revenge

    Who are the TD vulture RBs of '08?

    neal played like 6 games last year
  5. RaiderHaters Revenge


    our league experimented with punters last year, I thought I was being sneaky taking Koenig as my Punter since he was gonna be doing double duty. or was that 2 yrs ago
  6. RaiderHaters Revenge

    Who is the best QB outside of the top 10?

    thats mine, Im targetting Rivers-Rodgers-Campbell, Zorn's offense looks pretty good from what I have seen in the pre-season
  7. RaiderHaters Revenge

    Who has a better season? NYJ or GB?

    neither team will make the playoffs
  8. RaiderHaters Revenge

    Anyone concerned about LT2's injury

    Norv's offense doesnt use a FB, Neal was on the field maybe 1/3 of the time and when it was it was very predictible, run up the middle. Now they will use a H-Back in Manu/Hester/Naanee that gives they more options. LT will have just as much if not more room to run with better options outta the backfield and the improved Chem between Rivers-Chambers-Jackson
  9. RaiderHaters Revenge

    Lamont Jordan signed

    you guys are all dumb obviously Belicheck wants to add a Raider wrinkle to that offense, that should get them over the hump or he fears the raiders and wants to get insight into their stellar playbook
  10. RaiderHaters Revenge

    Would you take Tom Brady at 1.1, why or why not?

    small sample size? There have been 4 QB's to ever throw for 40+tds lets just start with the superbowl era there has been approx 1200 starting QB's (approx 40 seasons x 30 teams, yes I know these arent exact numbers, but rounded) 5(total seasons of 40+ tds) in 1200 = .004% of 40 td seasons (approx) of those 5 season 0 were followed by 40+ tds = 0% therefore It is 99.996% probable that he will not break 40 tds this year past statistics do reflect current projections. If I took it to a baseball parallel, no person has stolen more then 130 bases in consecutive seasons so therefore it is a fact that no person will ever do it. Can it happen, yes, but until it does its still a fact
  11. RaiderHaters Revenge

    Would you take Tom Brady at 1.1, why or why not?

    KSB and KMBryant you guys were having a thought out discussion (somewhat) that resorted to name calling. Lets try to refrain from that. All I want to point out on that discussion is history "HAS PROVEN" that his numbers will decline. That is a fact. Until a QB produces a back to back 40 td season, that will always be a fact. While it can happen KMB is correct in his assesments and uses plenty of statistical analysis to do so. KSB it seems as though you just want an argument just to argue. Teams make adjustments, you dont think that SD, Jax and NYG gave a blueprint for teams to slow down the passing offense?
  12. RaiderHaters Revenge

    Turn targeting

    Mcgahee or Lynch TO or Wayne
  13. RaiderHaters Revenge

    "No Hassel League" interest?

    what is "No Hassel"? Im interested in a league with some Vets
  14. RaiderHaters Revenge

    Would you take Tom Brady at 1.1, why or why not?

    no, no, no here is my reason Manning 2004 49tds, 2005 28tds Marino 1984 48 tds, 1985 30tds Marino 1986 44 tds, 1987 26tds Warner 1999 41 tds, 2000 21tds Brady 2007 50 tds, 2008 ...... Im not saying he wont be the top QB but 35 td's would be a reach if history continues to repeat. Marino was the only 40+td guy to followup with even 30 Brady 1.1 35 tds Manning 2.1 28 tds Romo 3.1 30 tds Brees 4.1 28 tds Roth 5.1 31 tds those are my predictions on how many TD's each QB will throw and approx where I see them Drafted, Gimme LT, SJax, ADP and Rothlis anyday over Brady and TJones
  15. RaiderHaters Revenge

    3 KEEPERS - Brady, Addai, Colston

    without a doubt I would make that trade you would end up with a top 5 QB and 2 Top 5 preseason RB's there is no guarantee that Brady is gonna throw 40+ td's as a matter of fact history shows the opposite
  16. RaiderHaters Revenge

    If you were projected to be a top 5 overall draft pick.

    It depends what position I played, although no matter what I would never play for the Raiturds. I would pull a Sheliway
  17. RaiderHaters Revenge

    Rookie RBs

    with LT's handcuff always be essential where would the 2 guys the Bolts drafted fall in Hester and the guy from Utep
  18. RaiderHaters Revenge

    My Stab at the First Round

    Sherb, what are you gonna do when the Cheats draft you?
  19. RaiderHaters Revenge

    DeAngelo Hall to Oakland?

    wow they now will have the 3rd best corners in the division 5 wins a possibility? naw still dont think so
  20. RaiderHaters Revenge

    Would you give up Michael Turner in a Dynasty?

    First thing I did when looking at your team was think you need an upgrade at QB Offer Turner and Both your 1's for Romo and Housh You have built a very strong team with tremendous depth, now basically all you can do is upgrade your starters. You really dont need your 1's this year imo so dont be afraid to move em
  21. RaiderHaters Revenge

    Consolidated Free Agent Signings

    Moose signed with Carolina also
  22. RaiderHaters Revenge

    baseball forum

    try fantasy baseball cafe dont have exact link can google it.
  23. RaiderHaters Revenge

    Calling Mr. Pimptaddy

    my bad for pointing out the trap so he could avoid it
  24. I guess when Brady and Bellicheat sold their souls to the devil for a perfect season, they should have read the fine print and made sure it included the POST SEASON
  25. RaiderHaters Revenge

    The Mark of the Greatest Team in Pro Sports History

    Old posts are fun