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RaiderHaters Revenge

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RaiderHaters Revenge last won the day on January 28

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About RaiderHaters Revenge

  • Rank
    FF Geek
  • Birthday 12/19/1974

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  1. RaiderHaters Revenge

    The state of the Presidential race: who is the favorite now?

    Wtf??? https://www.instagram.com/reel/C92rXqLuPwN/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
  2. RaiderHaters Revenge

    kamala fully supported the 2020 riots.

    Look up David Dorn. Peaceful protest dummy
  3. RaiderHaters Revenge

    Project 2025

    Watching the reality of 2025. It’s another liberal hoax
  4. RaiderHaters Revenge

    kamala fully supported the 2020 riots.

    When the fock was 2020 riots peaceful. You’re a focking idiot
  5. RaiderHaters Revenge

    *** 2024 Draft and Season Discussion ***

    I knew I’d jinx it. Literally posted and Waldron gives up 3 in the first
  6. RaiderHaters Revenge

    *** 2024 Draft and Season Discussion ***

    Fool me once
  7. RaiderHaters Revenge

    Can someone explain this to me?

    They only see what they want to see. The rest of us saw reality my mom said every single time Biden focked up. He had a studder
  8. RaiderHaters Revenge

    *** 2024 Draft and Season Discussion ***

    Tough to do I would think 30.1 IP so far this week with a 0.00 era
  9. RaiderHaters Revenge

    Did We Just Witness a Coup?

    They saved democracy derp derp
  10. RaiderHaters Revenge

    Project 2025

    Kinda like you idiots do on the border
  11. RaiderHaters Revenge

    Mr. Beast's friend comes out as trans woman

    They aren’t groomers I hate to see Mr beast tied to this trash. He’s a good guy from everything I’ve seen
  12. RaiderHaters Revenge

    Project 2025

    Can’t wait
  13. RaiderHaters Revenge

    Guess who is too old to run for President?

    Don’t care don’t care and definitely don’t care
  14. RaiderHaters Revenge

    Guess who is too old to run for President?

    God focking damn this is as idiotic as they come brought to you by msnbc hack squidward who for months though Joe Biden was fine at his age do you guys ever stop the stupidity?
  15. RaiderHaters Revenge

    The state of the Presidential race: who is the favorite now?
