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RaiderHaters Revenge

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RaiderHaters Revenge last won the day on September 24 2024

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  1. RaiderHaters Revenge

    Declassification thread. JFK. MLK. RFK

    I don’t disagree. However this is declassification of political assasinations.
  2. RaiderHaters Revenge

    Declassification thread. JFK. MLK. RFK

    Yet another useless post
  3. RaiderHaters Revenge

    Declassification thread. JFK. MLK. RFK

    Let’s see it. Surprised this isn’t a moon thread.
  4. RaiderHaters Revenge

    A friend asked me to get into a $500 (per) Super Bowl SQUARE

    id be good with free entry to run it, if thats the going rate ill run 20 of them and not work the rest of the year
  5. RaiderHaters Revenge

    NFL Conference Championships

    my money would be on Bills v Eagles my hope is Bills v Redskins
  6. RaiderHaters Revenge

    X Whistleblower on how they conducted election interference

    thats it, I wont vote for ELON again
  7. RaiderHaters Revenge

    Trump looking for DEI snitches

    thats it, I am NOT voting for him again
  8. Yawn. Queer did you sit there and think wow this is so profound squidward is gonna love it
  9. RaiderHaters Revenge

    Rachel Maddow

    I’m anti law and anti court system so you really got me there. also what pedo got pardoned? Biden?
  10. https://www.instagram.com/reel/DFHI6VeCR2E/?igsh=NTc4MTIwNjQ2YQ== libtards. You guys are right. I apologize. This guy is definitely a nazi
  11. RaiderHaters Revenge

    Rachel Maddow

    I know my research, nobody gets more than the minimum nowadays with no priors and good behavior 2 years jail 2 years probation fwiw, these guys have served 4 years now so its enough
  12. RaiderHaters Revenge

    Rachel Maddow

    who are the pedos? and Ulbright's sentence hardly matched assaulting a cop gets you 2 years max in every state but stick to your MSDNC with the 30000 other people that still watch that crap
  13. RaiderHaters Revenge

    Global warming

    its called climate change now for a reason