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RaiderHaters Revenge

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Everything posted by RaiderHaters Revenge

  1. Somehow this is whiteys fault I'm sure after listening to that dude speak only once
  2. RaiderHaters Revenge

    What's all this Eli Manning HOF talk?

    I am going darkhorse here Arizona
  3. RaiderHaters Revenge

    Go Colts

    I would like a little consideration into the redraft possibly, my team is complete garbage, I really only have Ingram as a legit player
  4. RaiderHaters Revenge

    The Big Dig Kills A Woman (revisited) (for no good reason at all)

    yet an illegal can kill someone with no repercussions
  5. RaiderHaters Revenge

    Mike Evans

    pretty solid, decent, not words you want to use to describe a 1st round pick Jordy yah pretty much same category
  6. RaiderHaters Revenge

    Mike Evans

    Also Pryor is basically Benjamin useless and easy to unload
  7. RaiderHaters Revenge

    Mike Evans

    Evans was a top 12 pick Pryor a 4th rounder its Evans EASILY Pryor you could cut 7 weeks ago, if you owned Evans you have to keep trotting him out for zeroes
  8. RaiderHaters Revenge

    Josh Gordon or Mike Evans next week?

    Gordon EZ Evans and Tampa as a whole = biggest bust team, and every player
  9. RaiderHaters Revenge

    2017 worst imploding teams

    Chargers after 0-4 have a chance to be tied for 1st after today
  10. RaiderHaters Revenge

    Worst Movie Sequels

    Fletch 2, while humorous was not even close to its predecessor
  11. RaiderHaters Revenge

    An American Princess!

    thats the point fight with us instead of being the 200 year old victims
  12. RaiderHaters Revenge

    Flynn charged with lying to the FBI

    fake news, I saw it on Huffpo, its all true or was it Buzzfeed or Vox, maybe Snopes
  13. RaiderHaters Revenge


    I am interested in farming, I am a computer geek, and my rig can handle it. I am trying to figure out what the scam is here https://www.thebitgoldmine.net/
  14. RaiderHaters Revenge

    String Theory / Dark Matter

    I studied physics and linear equations as my pre-req to engineering, but string theory is over my head so I dunno
  15. RaiderHaters Revenge

    String Theory / Dark Matter

    not to say you aren't smart or anything but none of your credentials listed would imply that you have the brain power to understand complex science and theorems might I direct you this way http://www.dummies.com/education/science/physics/string-theory-for-dummies-cheat-sheet/
  16. RaiderHaters Revenge

    An American Princess!

    cmon man we all know if white man wanted to eliminate the injuns it would be done in less than a day Quite honestly, I feel its time to end the sovereign nation nonsense. And this is coming from a guy married to a Chippawa/Apache who is working on proving her ancestry as we speak Her great great grandfather on one side was the Chief of some tribe in the 1800's and last name was Montenook, they fled to Mexico to avoid death and came back as Martinez. On the other side they were Littlefields who changed their name to Johnson to get her grandmother into nursing school
  17. RaiderHaters Revenge

    The best binge watches of all time

    Breaking Bad will always be no 1 for me, I think its cause it was truly the first show that people started binge watching others I have binged Walking Dead S1-S3 Sons of Anarchy, another awesome one Zombie Nation (don't judge me) Flip or Flops 13 Reasons Why
  18. RaiderHaters Revenge


    I see this as a good and bad. I think it legitimizes the market for sure though https://www.yahoo.com/tech/coinbase-must-share-users-apos-132500546.html
  19. RaiderHaters Revenge

    D.J. Foster

    Arians said Kerwynn would start in AP doesn't play
  20. RaiderHaters Revenge

    Tax Plan

    didn't catch the 529 but that is awesome. If the voucher program ever goes into effect I can afford to send my son to the best private school around also when does it go into effect? Cause I might need to roll some income into next year
  21. RaiderHaters Revenge

    "Alexa, who is MILO Yiannopoulos?"

    its funny that Amazon changed so many of those answers after his initial video. thankfully other people tested it simultaneously
  22. RaiderHaters Revenge

    "Alexa, who is MILO Yiannopoulos?"

    Did you watch the Crowder video?
  23. RaiderHaters Revenge

    Not Guilty: Illegal immigrant that killed Kate Steinle

    wouldn't mind seeing a whoops bus crash then he tries to escape shot
  24. RaiderHaters Revenge

    Not Guilty: Illegal immigrant that killed Kate Steinle

    what??? there are so many libtards in the OC and SD you wouldn't notice the difference